Rachel Barney

Curriculum Vitae


University of Toronto

Department of Philosophy

170 St. George St.

Toronto, ON Canada

M5R 2M8


Citizenship: Canadian, U.S., U.K.

I. Employment:

2016-Present. Professor and Canada Research Chair in Ancient Philosophy

Department of Philosophy and Department of Classics

University of Toronto

2013-16. Professor

Department of Philosophy and Department of Classics

University of Toronto

2011-12. Professor and Canada Research Chair in Classical Philosophy

Department of Classics and Department of Philosophy

University of Toronto

2003-11. Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Classical Philosophy

Department of Classics and Department of Philosophy

University of Toronto

Fall 2002. Associate Professor

Department of Philosophy

University of Chicago

1998-2002. Assistant Professor

Department of Philosophy

University of Chicago

1997-98. Visiting Assistant Professor

Department of Philosophy and Department of the Classics

Harvard University

1995-98. Assistant Professor

Department of Philosophy

University of Ottawa

Fall 1992. Visiting Lecturer

Department of Philosophy

McGill University

II. Education:

PhD. 1996 Dept. of Philosophy, Princeton University

Dissertation:  “A Reading of Plato’s Cratylus

Supervisor:  John. M. Cooper

B.A. 1989 Philosophy Specialist

Trinity College, University of Toronto

III. Honours and Awards:

2005. Fellowship, Center For Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences

(awarded, not taken up)

2003-2012. Canada Research Chair In Classical Philosophy (Tier II; renewed for the

maximum of two limited terms)

1999-2000. Laurance Rockefeller Visiting Fellow

Center For Human Values, Princeton University

1994-95. Whiting Fellowship In The Humanities, Princeton University

1987. Chancellor Worrell Award, Trinity College,

University Of Toronto

1986. Trinity College Scholarship, Trinity College,

University Of Toronto

1984-85. Edward C. Wood Entrance Scholarship, Mcgill University

IV. Publications:

"Intellectualism and the Method of Hypothesis in Plato's Early Dialogues" (forthcoming), in Psychology and Value in Plato, Aristotle, and Hellenistic Philosophy, edited by M. R. Hampson and F. Leigh (Oxford, 2022).

"Plato on Normative Measurement: Statesman 283b1-287b3", in Plato's Statesman: A Philosophical Discussion , eds. P. Dimas, M. Lane, and S.S. Meyer, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021, 115-35.

"Techne as a Model for Virtue in Plato", in Productive Knowledge in Ancient Philosophy, ed. T. Johansen, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, 62-85.

"Becoming Bad: Aristotle on Vicious Habituation", John Cooper Festschrift, ed. Ben Morison and Hendrik Lorenz, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy special volume 57, 2019, 273-307.

"Protagoras and the Myth of Plato's Protagoras", GANPh [Gesellschaft für Antike Philosophie] Proceedings V , ed. C. Riedweg, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2019, 135-160.

"Gorgias' Encomium of Helen ", in Ten Neglected Classics of Philosophy , ed. E. Schliesser, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, 1-25.

"Plato on Measure and the Good: the Rank-Ordering of the Philebus", in J. Jirsa, F. Karfik, S. Spinka (eds.), Plato's Philebus: Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium Platonicum PragensePragense, Praha: Oikoymenh Publishers, 2017, 208-29.

"[Aristotle], On Trolling ", Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2:2, 2016, 193-95.

“What Kind of Theory is the Theory of the Tripartite Soul?", in Proceedings of the XXXVIIth Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy , G. Gurtler ed., Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2016, 53-83.

“The Inner Voice: Kant on Conditionality and God as Cause”, in Aristotle and Kant on the Highest Good , ed. J. Aufderheide and R. Bader, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, 159-82.

Plato and the Divided Self. Co-edited with Tad Brennan and Charles Brittain. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

"History and Dialectic (Metaphysics A 3, 983a24-4b8)", in Carlos Steel ed., Aristotle's Metaphysics Alpha (Symposium Aristotelicum XVIII). Oxford University Press, 2012, 69-104.

“Ring-Composition in Plato: the Case of Republic X,” in M. McPherran (ed.), Cambridge Critical Guide to Plato’s Republic. Cambridge University Press, 2010, 32-51.

“Notes on Plato on the Kalon and the Good”, Classical Philology (Special Issue: Beauty, Harmony and the Good), 105 (2010): 363-377.

"Plato on Desire for the Good", in S. Tenenbaum (ed.), Desire, Good, and Practical Reason. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, 34-64.

“Gorgias' Defence: Plato and his Opponents on Rhetoric and the Good,” Southern Journal of Philosophy 48.1 (2010): 95-121.

“Simplicius: Commentary, Harmony, and Authority,”  Antiquorum Philosophia 3 (2009): 101-20.

“Aristotle’s Argument for a Human Function,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 34 (2008): 293-322.

“Eros and Necessity in the Ascent from the Cave,” Ancient Philosophy 28:2 Spring (2008): 357-72.

“The Carpenter and the Good”, in D. Cairns, F. G. Herrmann, and T. Penner (eds.),  Pursuing the Good: Ethics and Metaphysics in Plato's Republic, 293-319. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 2008.

“The Sophistic Movement”, in M.L. Gill and P. Pellegrin (eds.), A Companion to Ancient Philosophy, 77-97.  Oxford: Blackwell, 2006.

“Socrates’ Refutation of Thrasymachus”, in G. Santas (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Plato’s Republic, 44-62. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006.

“Callicles and Thrasymachus,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2004.  < http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/callicles-thrasymachus/>. Revised 2011.

“A Puzzle in Stoic Ethics,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 24 (2003): 303-40.

Names and Nature in Plato’s Cratylus. New York: Routledge, 2001.

“Platonism, Moral Nostalgia and the City of Pigs,” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 17 (2001): 207-27.

“Socrates Agonistes: the Case of the Cratylus Etymologies,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 16 (1998): 63-98.

“Plato on Conventionalism,” Phronesis 42 (1997): 143-62. 

“Appearances and Impressions,” Phronesis 37 (1992): 283-313.

V. Shorter Publications (Book Reviews, Encyclopedia Articles, Comments, Etc):

"Socrates and the Ethic of Resistance: Comments on Buss", Journal of Applied Philosophy 37:1 (2020), 34-38.

Review of M.F. Burnyeat, Explorations in Ancient and Modern Philosophy (Cambridge: CUP, 2012), for Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, published October 2013.

Review of I. Vasiliou, Aiming at Virtue in Plato (Cambridge, 2008), Journal of the History of Philosophy 48: 4 (2010), 521-22.

Review of V. Tsouna, The Ethics of Philodemus (Oxford 2007), Ethics 120:2 (2010), 422-26

“Gorgias”, “Nomos and Phusis” and “The Sophists” in D. Borchert (ed.), Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd Edition, Detroit: Macmillan, 2006.

“Comments on Broadie: Virtue and Beyond in Plato and Aristotle”, Southern Journal of Philosophy Supplementary Volume (Spindel Conference Proceedings) 43 (2005): 115-25.

Review of L. Brisson, Plato the Myth Maker (University of Chicago Press, 2000), Phoenix 56 (2002): 153-5.

“Is Plato Interested in Meta-Ethics? Comments on J.M. Rist, ‘The Possibility of Morality in Plato’s Republic,” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 14 (1998): 73-81.

Review of J. Annas, Platonic Ethics, Old and New (Cornell University Press, 1999), Philosophical Review 110 (2001): 123-28.

Review of L. A. Dorion, Aristote: Les réfutations sophistiques (Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1995), Philosophiques 25 (1998): 111-20.

VI. Current Projects:

Book project: expanded version of Nellie Wallace Lectures, Oxford University 2022, on Plato's political ideas in the Republic

Papers in Progress:

"Genre and Method in the Tusculan Disputations " (for 15th Symposium Hellenisticum volume, Cambridge University Press)

"Platonic Predication", for 2019 special Symposium issue of Analytic Philosophy

"Imagery and Utopia in Plato's Republic ", for Rereading Plato’s Republic , eds. MM McCabe and Simon Trépanier Edinburgh University Press (Leventis Conference volume)

VII. Papers Presented (selected):

"The Noble Lie", IFIKK University of Oslo, April 2022; SWIP-NY (Society for Women in Philosophy, New York City), March 2022; Sarah Broadie memorial conference, Nov. 2021, University of Utrecht History of Philosophy Colloquium, Oct. 2021.

"Ethics and Politics in Plato's Protagoras ", Sophists and Public Intellectuals Network [SEE-SPIN]; Yale Ancient Philosophy Workshop, May 2021; International Society for Socratic Studies (organized by Don Morrison (Rice)), October 2020.

"The Sceptical Way: Practical Wisdom Through, After, and Without Theory", XXV. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie, Sept. 2021.

"Protagoras the Pluralist", UCL Sophists Workshop, Feb. 2020; Yale Ancient Philosophy Colloquium, Jan. 2020.

"Platonic Predication", Oxymorons Group [Oxford-Yale-Munich], June 2021, UCL, Feb. 2020; B Club Cambridge, Feb. 2020; University of Pittsburgh Philosophy Dept., Oct. 2019; Annual Analytic Philosophy Symposium, University of Texas at Austin, Dec. 2018; University of Oklahoma, Sept. 2018; Notre Dame University, Ancient Philosophy Workshop, April 2016.

"Imagery and Utopia in Plato's Republic ", XIth A. G. Leventis conference, University of Edinburgh Nov. 2019.

"Protagoras and the Measure Thesis", Princeton Classical Philosophy Colloquium, Dec. 2019, Congress on the Theaetetus , Algherò Sardinia, June 2019; NYU-Wellfleet Workshop, June 2019.

"Becoming Bad: Aristotle on Vice and Habituation", Columbia (Katja Vogt Seminar), September 2019; University of Colorado (Boulder), Philosophy Dept., April 2019; University of Saõ Paulo, May 2018; Oxford Workshop on Ancient Philosophy, Nov. 2017; UCLA conference in honour of John Cooper, March 2017; University of Oklahoma, Dept. of Philosophy, Nov. 2016; University of Chicago, Biennial Chicago Consortium Conference in Ancient Philosophy, Oct. 2016.

"Plato on Normative Measurement: On Statesman 283b1-287b3", Platonic Dialogue Project, Oslo Aug. 2018.

"Giving Up and Going On: Sextus, Socrates, Apelles and the Skeptical Search for Truth"; VIIth International Conference on Scepticism, Natal Brazil May 2018; NYU Ancient Philosophy Workshop, Dec. 2017; Princeton Classical Philosophy Colloquium, Dec. 2015; Wayne State Dept. of Philosophy, March 2015; annual Aquinas Lecture, St. Thomas University (Fredericton) Jan. 2015; Conference on Skeptical Solutions: Provocations of Philosophy, Bonn University, Nov. 2014.

"On Hippo of (maybe) Rhegium", 'Philosophy Beyond Philosophers' Workshop, Atlanta April 2018; University of Chicago, Presocratic Philosophy Conference Jan. 2018; American Philological Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, Jan. 2011.

"How to Know Everything", Annual Corbett Lecture, Faculty of Classics, Cambridge University, Nov. 2017; Townsend Lectures (three-lecture series), Dept. of Philosophy, UC Berkeley, Oct. 2015.

“Techne as a Model for Virtue in Plato”, Keynote, 'Virtue, Skill and Practical Reason' Conference, University of Cape Town, August 2017; Keynote, 'Knowledge in Action' Conference, Haverford College, April 2016; Workshop on Techne in Ancient Philosophy, Oxford University, Aug. 2015.

"The End of the Euthydemus ", Conference on 'Plato's Chian Intellectuals', Chios Greece, June 2017.

"Protagoras on Justice in the Great Speech of Plato's Protagoras ", Invited talk, Triennial GANPh [Gesellschaft für Antike Philosophie] Conference, Zurich Sept. 2016.

“The Wooden Horse: Plato on the Limits of Perception at Theaetetus 184-7”, Dept. of Philosophy Cornell University, Nov. 2015; 'Plato’s Other Souls' Conference, Bochum University, June 2015.

"What Kind of Theory is the Theory of the Tripartite Soul?", XXXVII Annual Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy (BACAP), Holy Cross University, October 2014; University of São Paulo, Oct. 2014.

“Three Faces of Socratic Courage”, Unversity of Chicago Ancient Philosophy Workshop, May 2014; UC Riverside Conference on Ancient Philosophy, April 2014; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, March 2014

“What is the end of the Philebus about?”, IX Symposium Platonicum Pragense, November 2013

“The General's Question: Plato on what the courageous person knows”, Conference on Ancient and Contemporary Moral Education, Northwestern University, June 2013

"The General's Question: Plato on what the courageous person knows", Conference on Ancient and Contemporary Moral Education, Northwestern University, June 2013.

"Moral Motivation, Practical Reason and Virtue as Techne", Humboldt Universität Berlin, November 2013; Canadian Philosophical Association, June 2013; Philosophy Depts.: Ohio State University, April 2012; Brown University, January 2012; Duke University, September 2012; McMaster University, January 2012; Washington University (St. Louis), March 2011; Stanford University, Conference on Practical Reason, September 2011; Invited Symposium, American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Annual Meeting, December 2008.

"Does Socrates Deny the Possibility of Akrasia?", First Canadian Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy (Keynote Address), University of Alberta, May 2012; 17th Annual Arizona Plato Colloquium, University of Arizona, February 2013.

"Socrates, Virtue and the Method of Hypothesis", Keeling Colloquium IX, University College London, November 2011; Philosophy Dept. Harvard University, March 2011; 34th Ancient Philosophy Workshop (Keynote Address), St. Louis, March 2011

"Why Study the History of Philosophy?", Invited Symposium, American Philosophical Association Central Division Conference, February 2012.

“Kant on Happiness and Conditionality”, Conference on The Highest Good in Aristotle and Kant, St. Andrews University (U.K.), September 2010.

“Dialogue vs. Dialectic,” Conference on “Deconstructing Dialogue,” University of Chicago Divinity School, January 2010.

"Gorgias' Defence: Plato and his Opponents on Rhetoric and the Good," University of Western Ontario Philosophy Department, October 2009.

“Twenty Questions about Protagorean Wisdom,” Humboldt Universität Berlin, November 2013; Conference on “Wisdom in Ancient Thought,” Columbia University, April 2009.

“Genre and Method in Aristotle, Metaphysics A.3”, Montreal Working Group in the History of Philosophy, April 2009; Symposium Aristotelicum XVIII, Leuven, July 2008.

“The Fine and the Good,” Chicago Consortium in Ancient Philosophy Biennial Conference on “Beauty, Harmony and the Good,” September 2008.

“What Kind of Theory is the Theory of the Tripartite Soul?,” Northwestern University Conference on Plato’s Psychology, March 2008.

“Ring-Composition in Plato: The Case of Republic X,” 13th Annual Arizona Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, February 2008.

“Plato on Consciousness and the Self,” Conference on “Self and Consciousness from Plato to Kant,” University of Toronto, May 2007.

“Plato on Desire for the Good”, Workshop on Desire, Practical Reason and the Good, University of Toronto, May 2007; University of Köln, January 2006; Philosophy Dept., Pittsburgh University, November 2005; University of Texas Workshop in Ancient Philosophy; Classics and Philosophy Departments, University of Toronto, Spring 2003; University of Chicago Philosophy Colloquium, Fall 2002.

“Plato and the Method of Hypothesis,” and “Socratic Ethics in the Republic,” Dept. of Classics, Durham University; Ancient Philosophy Workshop, Oxford University; Ancient Philosophy Workshop, King’s College London, all May-June 2007; Philosophy Dept., University of Michigan, September 2006.

“Eros in the Republic: Eros and Necessity in the Ascent from the Cave,” Annual Meeting, Central Division of the American Philosophical Association, April 2007.

“Aristotle’s Argument for a Human Function,” Philosophy Dept., University of Western Ontario, March 2006; Philosophy Dept., Williams College, February 2005.

“Plato and his Opponents on Rhetoric and the Good,” Arizona Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, February 2006; Princeton Classical Philosophy Colloquium, December 2005.

“The Shoemaker and the Good: Plato and Aristotle on Practical Reasoning,” (series title):

“Deliberation and the Form of the Good” and “The Function Argument,” Hesperia Invited Lectures Philosophy Dept., University of California at Davis, May 2005.

“The Shoemaker and the Good,” 4th A.G Leventis Conference on “The Good and the Idea of the Good in Plato’s Republic,” University of Edinburgh, March 2005.

with co-author M. Green, “Intrinsically Scarce Goods,” Cultural Policy Center, University of Chicago, November 2004; World Philosophy Congress, Istanbul, August 2003.

“Simplicius and the Project of Philosophical Harmonization,” Symposium on the Ancient Commentators, Canadian Philosophical Association, Winnipeg, May 2004.

“Plato on Desire for the Good” and “Plato’s Refutation of Gorgias,” Seminar series (two-paper series), Philosophy Dept., Lehigh University, November 2003.

“The Character of Gorgias and Plato’s Critique of Rhetoric,” Pacific Division Conference, American Philosophical Association, March 2003.

“Aristotle and Plato on the Human Function,” Philosophy Dept., University of Ottawa, January 2003.

“Plato’s Critique of Rhetoric,” Classics Department, University of Missouri (Columbia), March 2002; Classics Department, Cornell University, November 2001; Political Philosophy Colloquium, Princeton University, February 2000.

“Plato on the Old Morality and the New,” Dartmouth College, Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, April 2001.

“A Puzzle in Stoic Ethics,” University of Chicago Ancient Philosophy Workshop, March 2001.

“Moral Realism and the Form of the Good,” Laurence Rockefeller Fellows Seminar, Center for Human Values, Princeton University, November 1999.

“Knowledge and Language in the Platonic Seventh Letter,” University of Chicago Ancient Philosophy Workshop, May 1999.

“Why Is a Long Life No Better Than a Short One?,” University of Chicago Philosophy Dept., February 1997; University of Toronto Ancient Philosophy Colloquium, March 1997.

“Plato, Protagoras and Prediction,” McGill University Philosophy Department, October 1996; Yale University Philosophy Dept., January 1997; Carleton University Philosophy Dept., February 1997.

VIII. Other Presentations:

Presenter, 'Anonymous Iamblichus', Princeton Workshop on the Sophists, Dec. 2019

Research presentation, Fellows' lunch series, Council of the Humanities, Princeton University Oct. 2019

Session-runner and translator, 'Gorgias' Encomium of Helen ', New York Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy (NYCAP), Sept. 2019.

Presenter, 'Plato's Charmides ', Workshop on Critias, Penn State May 2019.

Presenter, University of Colorado ancient philosophy workshop, March 2019: "Techne as a Model for Virtue".

Presenter, R. Kamtekar seminar, Cornell University Nov. 2018: "Platonic Predication" and "Techne as a Model for Virtue"

Presenter, Cambridge ancient philosophy workshop, Nov. 2017: "Protagoras and Plato's Protagoras ".

Commentator, Richard Kraut's Tanner Lectures, "Prospect for a Neo-Aristotelian Ethics", Stanford University, April 2017.

Presenter, Yale Ancient Philosophy Workshop on the Parva Naturalia , June 2017.

Presenter, Yale-KCL Annual Reading Group on Plato's Republic , June 2013-16.

Comments on Gabriel Richardson Lear, "The Look of Love", Princeton Classical Philosophy Colloquium, Dec. 2016.

Invited Symposium, “History and Philosophy of Skill”, American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting, April 2014

Critic, 'Author Meets Critics' session on Sarah Broadie, Nature and Divinity in Plato's Timaeus (30 minute presentation, invited), American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Annual Meeting, February 2013.

Leader, Reading Group Session, New York Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy (NYCAP), on Plato's Protagoras, November 2012; on Plato’s Theaetetus, May 2010

Critic, 'Author Meets Critics' session on Iakovos Vasiliou, Plato on Aiming at Virtue (Cambridge, 2008), American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Annual Meeting, January 2011.

Comments on Deborah Modrak, “Plato on Words, Parts of Words, and Meaning,” American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting, April 2010.

Seminar Presentation, “Doxography and the Presocratics in Simplicius, in Phys. I.1-2,” Seminar in Ancient Philosophy, Paris IV Sorbonne (Centre Leon Robin), February 2010.

Critic, ‘Author Meets Critics’ session, David Wolfsdorf, Trials of Reason (Oxford University Press, 2008), American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Annual Meeting, April 2009.

“Socratic Intellectualism”: Weekend Workshop (ie four seminar-length sessions) as Townsend Working Group in Ancient Philosophy Invited Speaker, Departments of Classics and Philosophy, UC Berkeley January 2009.

“Socratic Ethics in the Republic,” Presentation for Wolfgang Mann-Katja Vogt Graduate Seminar, Philosophy Department, Columbia University, December 2007.

Presenter, Workshop on 'Good For' and 'Good' in Aristotle's Ethics, University of Toronto, October 2007.

Comments on John Cooper, “The Emotional Life of the Wise,” American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting, March 2005.

Comments on Terence Irwin, “The Monism of Practical Reason,” and Chris Bobonich, “Non-rational Motivations,” Invited Symposium, American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Meeting, December 1999.

Comments on A.A. Long, “Zeno’s Epistemology and Plato’s Theaetetus,” and David Blank, “Philology as a Philosophical Weapon: Expert Knowledge of Rhetoric in Epicureanism,” Invited Symposium, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting, April 1999.

“Stoicism and Moral Duty”, Comments on Tad Brennan, “Demoralizing the Stoics,” Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, February 1999.

Comments on C.D.C. Reeve, “Plato’s Philosophers,” Princeton University Classical Philosophy Colloquium, December 1998.

Critical Discussions of Paul Dumouchel, Les Emotions: Essai sur le corps et le social  (Paris, 1995), and Louis-André Dorion, Aristote: Les réfutations sophistiques  (Paris, 1995), Bilingual Book Symposium, Canadian Philosophical Association Annual Meeting, 1996.

IX. Teaching (selected):

Primary Supervisor:

Douglas Campbell, Circles and Rivets: Cosmology and Teleology in Plato's Theory of the Soul , defended August 2020.

Jacob Stump, Socratic Conversion , defended June 2017.

Willie Costello, From Causes to Forms: The Phaedo and the Foundations of Platonic Metaphysics , defended 2015.

Brooks Sommerville, Plato the Hedonist? , defended 2014.

Emily Fletcher, Plato on Pleasure, Intelligence and the Human Good: An Interpretation of the Philebus , defended 2012.

Daniel Bader, Platonic Craft and Medical Ethics , defended 2010.

T. P. S. Angier, Aristotle’s Ethics and the Crafts: A Critique , defended 2008.

Supervisory Committee Member (since 2016):

Rachel O'Keefe, "A χαλεπὸν καὶ αμυδρὸν εἶδος: Plotinus' Theory of Matter", August 2021.

Joseph Gerbasi, "The Trial of Socrates and the Idea of Athens", June 2021.

Matthew Watton, " Platonis Imitator : Cicero's Reception of Platonic Philosophy", June 2021.

Roberto Granieri, "Being as a Kind in Plato's Sophist ", March 2021.

Marion Durand, "Language and Reality: Stoic Semantics Reconstructed", 2018.

Administrative Positions and Service (selected):

At the University of Toronto:

Acting Director of Undergraduate Studies, St. George campus, Philosophy Dept. 2022-23

Member of Graduate Admissions Committee, Classics, 2021-22

Member of Senior Committee, Classics, 2021-22

Member of Promotion and Awards Committee, Philosophy, 2021-22

Member, Tricampus Decanal Promotions Committee, 2015-18

Director, Collaborative Programme in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (CPAMP) 2015-18

Organizer, ATWAP (Annual Toronto Workshop in Ancient Philosophy), Spring 2018

Member, Promotions Committee (Philosophy Dept.), Policy and Planning Committee (Philosophy Dept.), Graduate Admissions Committee (Classics), 2016-17

Member, Search Committee in Ancient Philosophy, 2015-16 (Classics Dept.), 2016-17 and 2017-18 (Philosophy Dept.)

Undergraduate Coordinator, Philosophy Dept. (St. George campus), 2011-2014

Member, Classics Chair Search Committee (2012); Ethics and Political Philosophy Search Committee, Philosophy (2010-12)

Member, Senior and Personnel Committee, Classics (2011-)

Member, Policy and Planning Committee, Philosophy (2011-)

Member, Graduate Committee, Department of Classics (2008-11)

Member, Graduate Executive Committee (2003-05, 2007-09), Department of Philosophy

Member, Executive Committee (2008-10), Collaborative Programme in Ancient and Medieval  Philosophy (CPAMP)

Member, Curriculum Review and Renewal Committee, Faculty of Arts and Sciences (2006-07)

Outside the University of Toronto:

Member, ‘Committee 25’ (funding committee for philosophy), SSHRC (2005-07)

Other relevant professional service:

Member, Editorial Board, Oxford Studies in the History of Philosophy (2015-), History of Philosophy Quarterly (2014-); Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (2010-); Southern Journal of Philosophy (2009-2021); Phoenix (2003-2006).

External reviewer, College of Letters, Wesleyan University; Assessor for tenure or promotion or hiring reviews for the Depts. of Philosophy at Cornell University, University of Pittsburgh, University of Arizona, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Harvard University, Wayne State University, University of British Columbia, Franklin and Marshall College, University of Chicago, New York University, University of Colorado (Boulder), Wake Forest University, Yale (Singapore); and Depts. of Classics, Dartmouth College, University of Cincinnati, and Penn State.

Referee for the Canadian Philosophical Association, Ancient Philosophy, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, British Journal of the History of Philosophy, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Canadian Journal of Political Science, Classical Philology, Classical Quarterly, Dialogue, Electronic Antiquity, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Journal of Philosophy, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophical Review, Philosophy and Rhetoric, Phoenix, Phronesis, Theoria [South Africa], Transactions of the American Philological Association, University of Toronto Quarterly, Journal of the American Philosophical Association, History of Philosophy Quarterly, Journal of Consciousness Studies.

Reader of mss/book proposals for Acumen Press, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Princeton University Press, Yale University Press.