Author of “They’re Still Women After All: The Second World War and
Canadian Womanhood (McClelland & Stewart 1986) among other
academic studies, Ruth Roach Pierson published her first book of poems, Where
No Window Was, with BuschekBooks of Ottawa in the spring
of 2002, a year after retiring from thirty-one years of teaching as
historian and feminist scholar first at Memorial University of
Newfoundland and later at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
of the University of Toronto. Her poems have appeared in ARC,
CV2, Event, The Fiddlehead, The Literary Review
of Canada, The Malahat Review, MIX
Magazine, Pagitica, Pottersfield Portfolio, Prism
International, Queen’s Feminist Review, Quills, and Room
of One’s Own as well as a number of anthologies. She won first
place in the Third Annual Poetry contest (2002) of Word: Toronto’s
Literary Calendar, was a finalist in the poetry category of the 2003 Pagitica Literary Contest, received an honourable mention in Fiddlehead’s 2003/2004
Ralph Gustafson Contest for Best Poem and an honourable
mention in CV2’s 2007 Two-Day Poetry Contest. She lives in Toronto
with her partner and their two cats, Haiku and Orange Roughy.
Aide-mémoire (also published by BuschekBooks) is her second book of poems.