Book Reviews
1.Review of Society and Politics in
Germany 1500-1750, by G. Benecke.
Histoire sociale/Social History
IX, 17 (May 1976): 229-31.
2.Review of Penelope's Web: Some
Perceptions of Women in European and
Canadian Society, by N. E. S.
Griffiths. Atlantis: A Women's
Studies Journal 2, 2 (Spring
1977-Part I): 153-57.
3.Review of A Terrible Beauty: The
Art of Canada at War, by H.
Robertson. Archivaria 5 (Winter
1977-78): 208-11.
4.Review of The Proper Sphere:
Woman's Place in Canadian Society,
ed. by Ramsay Cook and Wendy Mitchinson.
The Canadian Historical Review
LIX, 3 (September 1978): 392-95.
5.Review of The War Brides, ed.
by Joyce Hibbert. Resources for
Feminist Research/Documentation sur la
recherche féministe VII, 2 (July
1979): 32-33.
6.Review of Mobilizing Women for
War: German and American Propaganda,
1939-1945, by Leila J. Rupp.
Canadian Journal of History XIV, 2
(August 1979): 348-60.
7.Review of A Not Unreasonable
Claim: Women and Reform in Canada,
1880s-1920s, ed. by Linda Kealey.
Atlantis: A Women's Studies Journal
6, 1 (Fall 1980): 119-23.
8.Review of Reluctant Feminists in
German Social Democracy, 1885-1917,
by Jean H. Quataert. Canadian
Journal of History/Annales Canadiennes
d'Histoire XV, 3 (December 1980):
9.Review of Comrade and Lover: Rosa
Luxemberg's Letters to Leo Jogiches,
ed. and trans. by Elzbieta Ettinger.
Labour/Le Travailleur 7 (Spring
1981): 240-43.
10.Review of A Woman with a Purpose:
Diaries of Elizabeth Smith, 1872-1884,
ed. and intro. by Veronica Strong-Boag.
Resources for Feminist Research/
Documentation sur la recherche féministe
X, 3 (November 1981): 26-27.
11.Review of Women Workers in the
First World War: The British Experience,
by Gail Braybon. Canadian Journal of
History/Annales Canadiennes d'Histoire
XVII, 2 (August 1982): 380-384.
12.Review of More Than A Labour of
Love: Three Generations of Women's Work
in the Home, by Meg Luxton.
Labour/Le Travailleur 11 (Spring
1983): 249-253.
13.Review of Women of Ideas and What
Men Have Done to Them from Aphra Behn to
Adrienne Rich, by Dale Spender.
Resources for Feminist Research/
Documentation sur la recherche féministe
12, 3 (July 1983): 17-18.
14.Review of Female Soldiers:
Combatants or Noncombatants? Historical
and Contemporary Perspectives, ed.
by Nancy Loring Goldman. Atlantis:
A Women's Studies Journal 9, 1 (Fall
1983): 142-46.
15.Review of The Grand Domestic
Revolution: A History of Feminist
Designs for American Houses,
Neighborhoods, and Cities, by
Dolores Hayden. Histoire sociale/Social
History XVI, 32 (November 1983):
16.Review of Fathering the
Unthinkable: Masculinity, Scientists
and the Nuclear Arms Race, by Brian
Easlea. Resources for Feminist
Research/Documentation sur la recherche
féminist 12, 4 (December/January
1983/84): 42-3.
17.Review of The Public and the
Private and Gender, Class and
Work, ed. by Eva Gamarnikow, David
Morgan, June Purvis and Daphne Taylorson.
Resources for Feminist
Research/Documentation sur la recherche
féministe XIII, 2 (July 1984):
18.Review of Does Khaki Become You?
The Militarisation of Women's Lives,
by Cynthia Enloe. Atlantis: A
Women's Studies Journal 12, 1 (Fall
1986): 199-202.
19.Peever, Kimberley Anne with the
assistance of Ruth Roach Pierson.
Review of Witness Against War:
Pacifism in Canada, 1900-1945, by
Thomas P. Socknat. Ontario History
LXXX, 3 (September 1988): 267-69.
20.Review of Women and War, by
Jean Bethke Elshtain. Women's
Studies International Forum 12, 3
(1989): 395-97.
21.Review of Dreams of Equality:
Women on the Canadian Left, 1920-1950,
by Joan Sangster. Canadian
Historical Review LXX, 4 (December
1989): 562-66..
22.Review of The Woman beneath the
Skin: A Doctor's Patients in
Eighteenth-Century Germany, by
Barbara Duden. The Eighteenth
Century: A Current Bibliography,