Invitations to Chair Conference Sessions
1.Chairperson of Session on "The `War
Guilt Question' in the Weimar Republic,"
Annual Meeting of the Canadian
Historical Association, Montreal,
Quebec, 6 June 1980.
2.Chairperson of Session at the
Conference of the Canadian History of
Education Association, February 14,
3.Chairperson of Session on "Women and
Employment," Annual Meeting of the
Canadian Historical Association, Ottawa,
Ontario, 11 June 1982.
4.Chairperson of Session 2 at the
Conference on "Groups, Rights, and the
American Constitution:
Constitutionalism in American Life,"
Centre for American Studies, University
of Western Ontario, May 6-8, 1987.
5. Chairperson of Session on "The
Balkanization of Nation-States: Canadian
and American Examples,"
106th Annual Meeting of the American
Historical Association, Chicago,
Illinois, December 29, 1991.
6.Chairperson/Moderator of Session
"Others' Suffering: Understanding or
Appropriation?" at the Association for
Moral Education Conference "Power Within
Diversity: Confronting Moral Issues in a
Multi-Racial/Multi-Cultural Community
and World," Ontario Institute for
Studies in Education, 13 November 1992.