Invitations to Serve as External
1.External Examiner, M.A. Thesis,
"Attitudes Towards Women and Sport in
Peterborough and the Surrounding Area,
1870-1914," History Department, Trent
University, 5 March 1981.
2.External Examiner, Master of Education
Thesis, "A Report of the Development of
Two Instructional Units of Women of
Newfoundland and Labrador Entitled `Mary
Southcott' and `Georgina Stirling,'"
Memorial University of Newfoundland,
January 1982.
3.External Examiner, Final Oral
Examination on Three Feminist Theorists,
M.A. Degree, Programme in Social and
Political Thought, York University, 3
May 1982.
4.External Examiner, Ph.D. Thesis,
"Images of Women in National Film Board
of Canada Films during World War II and
the Post-War Years (1939-1949)," Faculty
of Graduate Studies and Research, McGill
University, Department of
Communications, September 1982.
5.External Examiner, M.Sc. Thesis, "The
Response to Maternal Mortality in
Ontario, 1920-1940," University of
Toronto, Graduate Department of
Community Health, January 1983.
6.External Examiner, M.A. Thesis, "The
V.A.D.s and the Great War," McGill
University, Department of History,
September 1986.
7.External Examiner, M.A. Thesis,
"Women's Paid Labour in St. John's
Between the Two World Wars," Memorial
University of Newfoundland, Department
of History, September 1987.
8.Eternal Examiner, Ph.D. Thesis,
"Delivering Electrical Technology to the
Ontario Housewife, 1920-1939: An
Alliance of Professional Women,
Advertisers and the Electrical
Industry," Carleton University, October