Invited Guest Lectures
1."`Ladies or Loose Women?': Attitudes
to the Canadian Women's Army Corps in
World War II." Slide Lecture.
Interfaculty Committee on Women's
Studies, Carelton University, Ottawa, 2
April 1979;
Club Canada, Canadian Studies Program,
State University of New York, 1 May
Department of History, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, 8 November
2."Women's Education and Labour under
National Socialism." Slide Lecture,
Department of History, University of
Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, 24 March 1980.
3."The Education of the Public for
Women's Entry into the Armed Forces in
World War II." Slide Lecture, History
Department, Trent University,
Peterborough, Ontario, 5 March 1981.
4."Femininity Under Siege: Women and
the Armed Forces during the Second World
War." Slide Lecture.
History Department, University of
Western Ontario, 19 March 1982.
History Department, University of
Guelph, 24 March 1982.
Institut Simone de Beauvoir, Universite
Concordia, 9 February 1983.
5."Women and War." Department of
History, University of Western Ontario,
March 7, 1984.
6."An Historical Overview of Women and
War and Peace and Revolution," Women's
Studies Programme, University of
Toronto, November 7, 1984.
7."Wartime Jitters Over Femininity."
Lecture and Slide Presentation, Acadia
University, April 3, 1985.
8."Historical Overview of Women in
Relation to Organized Violence." Mount
St. Vincent University, April 2, 1985.
9."An Historical Overview of Women in
Relation to Organized Violence."
Criminology Seminar Series, Centre of
Criminology, University of Toronto,
December 3, 1985.
10."Ellen Key, Maternalism, and
Pacifism," Centre for Cross-Cultural
Research on Women, Queen Elizabeth
House, University of Oxford, January 30,
11."`Did Your Mother Wear Army Boots?':
Feminist Theory and Women's Relation to
War, Peace and Revolution."
Carleton University, March 12, 1987.
Trent University, November 10, 1987.
McGill University, December 7, 1987.
J.M.S. Careless History Club, King's
College, University of Western Ontario,
March 10, 1988.
12."`The Kitchen That Wastes No Steps':
Gender, Class and the Home Improvement
Plan (1936-1940)." Lecture and Slide
Presentation. Women's Studies
Programme, University of Newfoundland,
April 6, 1989.
13."Virginia Woolf on Gender, Peace and
War in Three Guineas," Lecture to
Philosophy of Contemporary Issues Class,
Memorial University of Newfoundland,
April 6, 1989.
14."The Crisis in Femininity of the
Second World War." Lecture and Slide
Presentation. Women's Studies Class,
Memorial University of Newfoundland,
April 7, 1989.
15."Women and War." Lecture and Slide
Presentation in the Series "Remember,
Lest We Forget," London Regional Art and
Historical Museums, London, Ontario,
October 18, 1989.
16."Experience, Difference and Dominance
in the Writing of Women's History,"
Department of History, University of
Guelph, October 24, 1989.
17."Wartime Jitters over Femininity."
Lecture and Slide Presentation.
Sixtieth Anniversary Dinner, Nursing
Sisters' Association of Canada, Toronto,
Ontario, June 22, 1990.
18. "Experience, Difference,
Dominance, and Voice in the Writing of
Canadian Women's History." Simone de
Beauvoir Institute and Department of
History, Concordia University, 11 March
19."Colonization and Canadian Women's
History," Luncheon sponsored by the
Coordinating Committee on Women in the
Historical Profession/Conference Group
on Women's History, 106th Annual Meeting
of the American Historical Association,
Chicago, Illinois, 29 December 1991.
20."Political Correctness: Canadian
Feminism and the Politics of
Difference," Annual Departmental
Conference, Department of Social and
Educational Studies, Faculty of
Education, University of British
Columbia, 10 April 1992.
21."Feminism's Challenges to Education,"
Social and Educational Studies Seminar,
University of British Columbia, 14 April
22."Colonization and Canadian Women's
History," Centre for Research in Women's
Studies and Gender Relations, University
of British Columbia, 21 April 1992.
23."Writing Women's History:
International Perspectives," Center for
Kundeforskning, University of
Copenhagen, Denmark, 21 September 1992.
24."The Domestic Sphere: Women and the
State," History Department Seminar
Series, Queen's University, 26 November
25."The Thompson Lecture," Department of
History, Royal Military College of
Canada, Kingston, Ontari, 18 October