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1.Panelist on Women and Violence, Newfoundland Status of Women Council, September 1974.


2.Resource Person, Annual Convention, School Counsellors Association of Newfoundland, "The Changing Status of Women:  Implications for Counsellors and Counselling," 27-28 September 1974.


3.Speaker and Resource Person, Allied Youth Provincial Conference on "The Dynamics and Intentions of International Women's Year," Gander, Newfoundland, June 1975.


4.Speaker, Newfoundland Status of Women Council's Celebrations, International Women's Day, 8 March 1977, 8 March 1975.


5.Speaker on "Femininity:  Women in the Armed Forces."  Conference on Sex Role Stereotyping, City School, Toronto, Ontario, 12 March 1982.


6.Resource Person for the Complaint against Canadian National Railway of sexual discrimination which Action Traivail des femmes (Montreal) has brought before the Human Rights Commission, 1982-83; expert witness for Action Travail des femmes at hearing of this case in Montreal, 9 February 1983.


7.Lecture on "Historical Moments in the Development of a Feminist Perspective in Education," Women's Study Group, Toronto, 15 March 1984.


8.Lecture on "Women and Peace" for the Workshop Series in "Currents of Thought on Peace," sponsored by the Global Peace and Education and Critical Pedagogy Group, OISE, April 30, 1985.


9.Lecture on "German Jews under the Weimar Republic" for the Student Seminar Day on the Holocaust, sponsored by the Holocaust Remembrance Committee, Toronto Jewish Congress, OISE, May 7, 1985.


10."Women Have Nothing to Gain from a Harvard of the North," Popular Feminism Lecture Series, OISE Centre for Women's Studies in Education, December 2, 1985.


11."The History of Women's Paid and Unpaid Work," Later Life Learning Lecture Series, Innis College, University of Toronto, December 16, 1985.


12.Lecture on "The Impact of Militarism on Women" for the adult education "Peace and the Arms Race" course, sponsored by the Toronto Board of Education, March 5, 1986.


13.Contribution to Panel on "Peace is possible--What must we do?" at the Women's Forum (co-sponsored by the Voice of Women and Science for Peace) for the City of Toronto Peace Festival, Council Chambers, Toronto City Hall, October 21, 1986.


14.Resource Person for Workshop on "The Coercive Powers of the State" at "Women & the State:  A Conference for Feminist Activists," Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, February 6-8, 1987.


15.Slide presentation on "The Second World War and Employment Equity for Women," for the Employment Equity for Women Council, Ontario Ministry for Skills Development and Ministry of Correctional Services, Tornto, September 25, 1987.


16.Workshop on "Gender Politics in the Work Place:  Politicize and Mobilize" at the Conference "Lead Time:  Charting Your Future," Status of Women Committee, Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, Toronto, November 21, 1987.


17.Contributor to Panel "Toward a Global Perspective on Peace, World Order and Development Education," at the Pre-Conference Session on "The Role of Canada's Community Colleges in Peace and World Order Education," Association of Canadian Community Colleges Annual Conference, St. John, New Brunswick, May 29, 1988.


18.Introductory Remarks for Conference "Violence Against Women:  Strategies for Change," Centre for Women's Studies in Education, OISE, November 30, 1990.


19."Experience, Difference, Dominance and Voice in the Writing of Canadian Women's History," in Later Life Learning Series on "The `Breakup' of Canadian History," University of Toronto, January 24, 1991.


20.Lecture on Women and the Second World War.  The Grade Six Class, the Mabin School, Toronto, Ontario, 18 February 1991.



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