Conference Papers
1."Embattled Veterans: The
Reichsbund jüdischer
Frontsoldaten and German Jewish
Identity," Annual Meeting of the
Canadian Historical Association, St.
John's, Newfoundland, June 1971.
2."Women's Emancipation and the
Recruitment of Women into the Canadian
Labour Force in WW II," Annual Meeting
of the Canadian Historical Association,
Quebec City, June 1976.
3."`Home Aide': A Solution to Women's
Unemployment After World War II?",
Conference on Research on Women.
Current Projects and Future Directions,
Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax,
Nova Scotia, 12 November 1976.
4."No `Pistol Packing Mommas' These:
The Canadian Women's Army Corps in WW
II," Women and Power: Dimensions of
Women's Historical Experience,
International Conference in Women's
History, University of Maryland, College
Park, Maryland, 18 November 1977.
5."Secretaries in Uniform: The Canadian
Women's Army Corps in WW II," Conference
on the Canadian Women's Movement, Stong
College, York University, 1 October
6."`Jill Canuck': CWAC of All Trades
but No `Pistol Packing Momma,'" Annual
Meeting of the Canadian Historical
Association, London, Ontario, 31 May
7."The Military as Magnifying Glass:
The Canadian Women's Army Corps in World
War II," Fourth Berkshire Conference on
the History of Women, Mount Holyoke
College, South Hadley, Massachusetts, 25
August 1978.
8."Ladies or Loose Women: The Canadian
Women's Army Corps in World War II,"
Second Annual General Meeting and
Conference of the Canadian Research
Institute for the Advancement of Women,
Quebec City, 10 November 1978.
9."The Double Bind of the Double
Standard: V.D. Control and the Canadian
Women's Army Corps in World War II,"
Annual Meeting of the Canadian
Historical Association, Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan, 3 June 1979.
10.With Alison Prentice. "Feminism and
the Writing and Teaching of History."
paper presented at the Annual Meeting of
the Canadian Historical Association,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 1981.
11.With Marjorie Cohen. "Government
Training Programmes for Women Before,
During and After the Second World War:
Consistencies and Ambiguities in Public
Policy." Annual Meeting of the Social
Science History Association in
Bloomington, Indiana, November 6, 1982.
12."Wartime Jitters Over Femininity."
Annual Meeting of the Social Science
History Association at OISE, October 26,
13."`When is a kitchen not a kitchen?':
Gender, Class and the Home Improvement
Plan on 1936-1940." A Workshop on Women
and Work, University of Waterloo, April
18, 1986.
14.With Margaret Hobbs. "`How many
steps make a Pie?': Gender, Class and
the Home Improvement Plan During the
Depression." Sixth Conference on
Workers and Their Communities,
University of Ottawa, May 11, 1986.
15."Ellen Key: Contradictions in
Maternalism as a Basis for Pacifism."
Session on "Gender, Sex, Peace, and
Power" at the Eighth Annual Conference
of the (U.S.) National Women's Studies
Association, University of Illinois at
Urbaba-Champaign, June 12, 1986.
16.With Margaret Hobbs. "`A Kitchen
That Wastes No Steps. . .': Gender,
Class and the Home Improvement Plan."
Meeting of the New History Society,
University of Toronto, January 22, 1988.
17."Experience, Difference and Dominance
in the Writing of Women's History."
First Meeting and Conference of the
International Federation for Research in
Women's History. Rockefeller Foundation
Study and Conference Center, Bellagio,
Italy, July 3-7, 1989.
18."Recovering Women's Experience from
the Past." Canadian Women's Studies
Association Annual Conference,
University of Victoria, May 26, 1990.
19."The Disqualification of `the Married
Woman' for Unemployment Insurance,
1940-1950." Annual Meeting of the
Canadian Historical Association,
University of Victoria, May 27, 1990.
20.Contribution to Panel on "The
Participation of Canadian Historians in
the International Congress: A
Satisfactory Experience or Not?" Annual
Meeting of the Canadian Historical
Association, University of Victoria, May
29, 1990.
21."`The Married Woman' and Canadian
Unemployment Insurance Policy,
1934-1950." Eighth Berkshire Conference
on the History of Women, Douglass
College, Rutgers University, New
Brunswick, New Jersey, June 9, 1990.
22."Colonization and Canadian Women's
History." Session on "Women's History in
Canada and the United States. 71st
Annual Conference of the Canadian
Historical Association, University of
Prince Edward Island, 30 May 1992.