i)Curriculum Materials
Canadian Women and the Second World War.
Vol. 66: Canada's Visual History.
Ottawa: National Museum of Man and
National Film Board of Canada, 1984.
"Women's Emancipation and the
Recruitment of Women into the Canadian
Labour Force in WW II." Canadian
History Readings (History Department,
University of Ottawa), Cahier His-1201,
Vol. 11, pp. 386-416. (Textbook for
First-Year Canadian History Course.)
"Women and the Educational
System--Women's Relation to Peace, War,
Revolution, and Violence in Ideology and
Experience." In Canadian Peace and
World Order Studies: A Curriculum Guide.
Compiled by Matthew Speier and Colin
Bell, edited by Matthew Speier, and
introduced by Conrad G. Brunk. Toronto:
Canadian Services Bureau of the
Association of Canadian Community
Colleges, 1987. Pp. 510-22.
ii)Journal Articles
With Beth Light. "Women in the Teaching
and Writing of Canadian History."
The History and Social Science Teacher:
Special Issue on Re-Appraising Canadian
History 17, 2 (Winter 1982): 83‑95.
iii)Book Reviews
Review of Kate Aitken, by Jean
Cochrane. The History and Social
Science Teacher 16, 2 (1981): 132.
Review of My Country is the Whole
World: An Anthology of Women's Work on
Peace and War, compiled by the
Cambridge Women's Peace Collective.
Women's Education des Femmes 3, 4
(Summer 1985): 26-29.