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1.Review of The Gates of Hell:  The Struggle for the Catholic Church, by Ann Roche.  Newsletter of the Newfoundland Status of Women Council IV, 1 (February-March 1977): 6-10.


2.Essay on "Canadian Women's Army Corps."  The Canadian Encyclopedia.  Edmonton: Hurtig Publishers, 1985.  P. 280.


3."Cranes."  The Canadian Forum LXII, 721 (September 1982): 35. (Poem.)


4."Labour and Gender."  Review of Women and Work:  Inequality in the Labour Market, by Paul Phillips and Erin Phillips.  The Canadian Forum LXIII, 732 (October 1983): 29-32.


5."Toward a New Way of Thinking."  Peace Magazine 2, 2 (April/May 1987): 31.


6."Wars and Roses."  Atlantis:  A Women's Studies Journal 12, 2 (Spring 1987): 23.  (Poem.)


7."Reflections on Reading in a Time Before Feminism."  Broadside 10, 5 (August/September 1989): 19.


8."An Unlearned Lesson of History." Contemporary Verse 2 15, no. 3 (Winter 1993): 48-9.




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