Undergraduate Teaching Experience
New College, University of Toronto:
NEW 362FSelected Topics in the History
of Feminism 1983-1984: Major Feminist
Texts from Behn to Beard
Memorial University of Newfoundland:
History 1000/1001 Introductory
History 2340 Renaissance and
Reformation: Europe 1450-1648
History 2300 Introduction to
Modern European History: 1500-1789
History 3000Studies in Mediaeval and
Early Modern European History: The
Italian Renaissance
History 3310 Central Europe:
History 3320 Central Europe Since
History 3380 German History II:
Since the Mid-Nineteenth Century
History 3805Contemporary Problems in
Historical Perspective: The History of
History 482A/BDirected Reading Course
for Honours Students
History 4311Seminar on Special Topics in
European History: Weimar and Nazi
History 4414Seminar on Historical
Problems: The Writing of Women's History
History 4998Supervision of Honours
Comprehensive Examination
History 4999Supervision of Honours
Dissertation: Canadian Women's History;
20th Century German History
University of Maryland:
First-Year Honours History, Europe from
the Decline of Rome to the Present