Date/ Time: XXXX
Indication: XXXX
- Time-out was called to confirm: patient’s name and date of birth, procedure, side and site of biopsy, safety procedures followed.
- Performed by: XXXXXX
- Supervised by: XXXXXX
- Informed consent: Risk of infection, bleeding, pain, and soft tissue trauma explained to patient. Patient provided consent to proceed.
- Aspiration and biopsy site: [left][right] superior posterior iliac crest.
- Patient position: [prone] [right lateral decubitus][left lateral decubitus]
- Preparation and technique: sterile preparation of site with Betadyne, Chloraprep, draped to expose aspirate/biopsy area, local anesthesia with 1% lidocaine (approximately XX ml), frequent pressure application on incision to maintain hemostasis.
- Tissue obtained: bone marrow aspirate and biopsy were successfully obtained in sterile manner.
- Toleration of procedure and any complications: slight localized bleeding (<1ml). Patient tolerated procedure well with minimal pain.
- Tests sent: XXXXXXXX