The senses volume
We (S. Biggs, M. Matthen, and D. Stokes) are editing a collection of papers on the senses, to include contributions from the following philosophers, psychologists, and cognitive scientists:
Clare Batty (University of Kentucky)
Tim Bayne and Charles Spence (Oxford University)
Stephen Biggs (University of Toronto)
Jon Bird (Open University) and Andy Clark (University of Edinburgh)
Roberto Casati and Jerome Dokic (Institut Jean-Nicod)
Matthew Fulkerson (University of Toronto)
Benj Hellie (University of Toronto)
Howard Hughes (Dartmouth College)
John Kulvicki (Dartmouth College)
Fiona Macpherson (University of Glasgow)
Mohan Matthen (University of Toronto)
Susanna Millar (Oxford University)
Erik Myin, Ed Cooke, and Karim Zahidi (Antwerp University)
Matthew Nudds (University of Edinburgh)
Casey O’Callaghan (Rice University)
Kevin O’Regan (CNRS-Paris)
Mark Paterson (University of Exeter) and Mazviita Chirimuuta (University of Bristol)
Vincent Picciuto (University of Maryland) and Peter Carruthers (University of Maryland)
Nicholas Shea (Oxford University)
Barry Smith (University of London-Birkbeck) and Ophelia Deroy (Institut Jean-Nicod)
Dustin Stokes (University of Toronto)