

Prince Albert, Saskatchewan


High school diploma, Carlton Comprehensive High School, Prince Albert, SK, 1998.
Bachelor of Science, Cellular, Molecular, Microbial Biology, University of Calgary, 2006.
Bachelor of Engineering, Electrical and Biomedical Engineering, McMaster University, 2010.

What I do for fun.

I like to antagonize my competitive side by playing any and all sports most notably golf, hockey and squash at the moment.
I also enjoy camping with my girlfriend in the summer who likes to kick my ass with tough canoe trips.
I'm a music junkie and love to learn new instruments. I haven't mastered any of them but I'm competent at guitar, drums, bass and I've now turned my attention to the piano in my spare time.
Finally, I have a huge love of all things biology. I think the complexities of how the human body work on a celluar and molecular level are fascinating and I've taken a lot of school so that I can maybe play a role in deciphering some small part of it.

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