Shehroz S. Khan
My main research focus is the development of machine learning and deep learning algorithms within the realms of Aging, Rehabilitation, and Intelligent Assisstive Living (ARIAL).
⇒ Research Scientist at the KITE, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network, Canada.
⇒ Assistant Professor (Status) at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering (BME), University of Toronto, Canada.
⇒ Adjunct Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Price Faculty of Engineering, University of Manitoba, Canada.
⇒ Principal / Co-Principal Investigator on grants from NSERC, CIHR, AGEWELL, SSHRC, CABHI, AMS Healthcare, United Arab Emirates University, LG Electronics , NFRF, Alzheimer's Association, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, J.P. Bickell Foundation, EPIC-AT, MITACS & Vee Technologies, Challenge Works, DSI.
⇒ Member of the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Rehab and Intelligent Assistive Technology and Systems Lab.
⇒ In the past life, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher, Quantitative Researcher, Research Engineer, Senior Systems Analyst, Senior Software Engineer, and a Scientist.
⇒ Use my calendar to book meetings.
- Google Scholar Profile (Paper citations - 4326, h-index=27, i10-index=42)
- LinkedIn Profile,
ORCID Profile, ResearchGate Profile, Publon Profile
- PhD, in Machine Learning, David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada (2010 - 2016). The thesis was titled : "Classification and Decision-theoretic framework for detecting and reporting unseen falls". [Supervisor: Dr. Jesse Hoey]. (3 minute video presentation - Preliminary talk)
- Masters (by research), Department of Information Technology , National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland in 2010. The thesis was titled Kernels for One Class Nearest Neighbour Classification and Comparison of Chemical Spectral Data. [Supervisor: Dr. Michael G. Madden]
- Bachelor of Science and Engineering (Computers) in 1997, Aligarh Muslim University, India. The thesis was titled "Neural Networks to Diagnose Cardio-Vascular Responses"
Latest Updates ↴
- 03/24 - Delivered talks at King Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirate University, UAE on AI and Aging.
- 02/24 - Chau Nguyen received the T-CAIREM Summer Undergraduate Award.
- 02/24 - Our scoping review on AI and virtual rehab published in Nature's Digital Medicine.
- 01/24 - Received the NSERC Alliance grant with industry partner WellSpring Data Inc.
- 01/24 - Reza Basiri's paper published in BioMedical Engineering OnLine.
- 01/24 - Ali Abedi gave a guest lecture at the Master of Nursing Class, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, titled "A Primer on AI: Applications of AI in Healthcare for Nurses
- 01/24 - Presented paper at ICCDE, won best presentation award.
- 12/23 - Pratik's survey paper accepted in IEEE Trans. on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence. Congrats
- 11/23 - Paper accepted at ICCDE, Bangkok.
- 11/23 - Presented 2 posters and gave 1 talk at the GSA'2023
- 10/23 - Gave a talk on AI and Rehab, RSI, U. of Toronto.
- 09/23 - Co-authors Ali, Reza and Chao's papers presented at the ARIAL workshop.
- 09/23 - Organized the 6thARIAL Workshop, ECML, Turin, Italy.
- 09/23 - Organized the workshop ": Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence and Sensing Devices in Rehabilitation", RehabWeek'2023, Singapore.
- 09/23 - Three posters accepted at RehabWeek2023, Singapore.
- 08/23 - Two papers accepted in Springer's Biomedical Engineering Letters and AI in Medicine journals.
- 07/23 - Delivered talk on Digital Ageism: Challenge of Modern Times, AGEWELL Webinar.
- 07/23 - Ali Abedi published three journal papers in Multimedia Tools and Applications and SVIP journals (Springer). Congrats!
- 07/23 - Pratik Mishra won the AGEWELL Graduate Scholarship, Congratulations!
- 06/23 - Introducing #WoundVista that generates realistic synthetic diabetic foot ulcer wound images. Please rate using the link. Great work by Reza Basiri.
- 06/23 - Fateme Pourghasem was selected and attended the AGEWELL EPIC Summer School. Her team won the first prize in pitch competition.
- 05/23 - Pratik K. Mishra and Ali Abedi won conference travel grants from SGS and ORT. Congratulations!
- 05/23 - Honored and privileged to be invited and accepted in the College of Reviewers, CIHR.
- 05/23 - Our "AVA: AI-driven Virtual Rehabilitation Assistant" has been accepted as a Poster Presentation at the 2023 World Congress for the International Society for Virtual Rehabilitation.
- 04/23 - PhD student Fateme Pourghasem selected to attend AGEWELL Summer Institute, 2023.
- 04/23 - The 6th workshop on AI for Aging, Rehabilitation and Intelligent Assisted Living is accepted to be held with ECML'2023, Turin, Italy. Please submit your papers.
- 04/23 - Two papers accepted at the 20th Conference on Robots and Vision.
- 03/23 - Two journal papers accepted in Multimedia Tools and Applications and Signal, Image and Video Processing (both Springer).
- 03/23 - Awarded MITACS and Vee Technologies grant on multisensor echnology to safely navigate exercise in extreme temperatures as a Co-PI.
- 03/23 - Our workshop titled, "Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence and Sensing Devices in Rehabilitation", is accepted at RehabWeek 2023 to be held in Singapore 2023.
- 03/23 - Dr. Ali Abedi received the competitive UHN ORT Conference Travel award. Congratulations!
- 03/23 - Pratik Mishra's research work showcased on UHN Research - Better Care while Protecting Privacy.
- 02/23 - Awarded the NSERC Alliance International Catalyst grant with Dr. Amir Ahmad, UAE University.
- 02/23 - Our scoping review on sensor‑based assessment of social isolation in community‑dwelling older adults is published in BME Online journal.
- 01/23 - Congratulations to Pratik Mishra on his first PhD paper acceptance in BMEOnline journal on Privacy-Protecting Behaviours of Risk Detection in People with Dementia using Videos.
- 12/12 - Successfully taught and graded the BME1560 course at the Biomedical Engineering Deprtment.
- 12/12 - Invited talks at the Singapore Institute of Technology and ETH-Zurich Singapore Center
- 12/12 - Attended and presented step counting paper in the IEEE Symposium Series On Computational Intelligence, Singapore.
- 11/22 - Attended Gerontological Soceity of America 2022 Annual Scientific meeting and presented two posters from the team, Indianapolis, USA.
- 11/22 - Organized the 5th ARIAL Workshop at ICDM'2022, Orlando, USA.
- 10/22 - Attended AGEWELL Conference and team members presented many posters on ongoing projects, Regina, Canada.
- 10/22 - Paper accepted at IEEE Access, titled Multi Visual Modality Fall Detection Dataset.
- 10/22 - Two papers accepted at the ARIAL, ICDM workshop to be held in Orlando, Florida, 2022.
- 10/22 - Received the AGEWELL ECR grant on developing a multimodal digital health solution for older adults.
- 09/22 - Zakary Georgis-Yap, Tamim Faruk and Stefan Denkovski successfully defended their MASc thesis. Congratulations!
- 09/22 - Two abstracts accepted at The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting.
- 09/22 - Paper on Step Counting with Attention LSTM accepted in IEEE SSCI, Singapore.
- 08/22 - AGEWELL Conference Travel Awards for Faranak Dayyani, Pratik Mishra.
- 08/22 - Ali Abedi and Pratik Mishra received AGEWELL Graduate and Postdoctoral and EPIC-AT Graduate Awards.
- 08/22 - Received the EPIC-AT SPOR Supplement Grant, $5K.
- 07/22 - Panelist and Invited speaker - Workshop on AI for Neurodegenerative Diseases, IEEE International Conference on Digital Health.
- 06/22 - Our team is selected for the UTEST Entrepreneurship Program Cohort 2022.
- 06/22 - Invited talk at the Global Academic Lecture Series, Artificial Intelligence for Biomedical Engineering - A Multi-disiplinary Approach.
- 05/22 - Our team was selected as a finalist for the Boomer Ventures What's Next Pitch event.
- 04/22 - Two papers accepted in the Canadian AI and Computer Robotics Vision conferences.
- 04/22 - Invited Talk at IIIT Bangalore on AI for Biomedical Applications.
- 04/22 - Received NFRF Pandemic Response Grant on "AVA: Adaptive Virtual Rehabilitation Assistant Powered by Artificial Intelligence".
- 02/22 - Received Alzheimer's Association Grant on "Detecting Behaviours of Risk in Nursing Homes using Deep Learning".
- 02/22 - Received the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute's Golden Jubilee Conference and Lecture Series Grant to conduct the 2nd Indo-Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Rehabilitation Robotics, with Dr. Dinesh Jayagopi and Dr. Alex Mihailidis.
- 01/22 - Our article on Ageism and AI got published in the Conversation.
- 01/22 - Paper accepted in IEEE Access, titled "Unsupervised Deep Learning to Detect Agitation from Videos in People with Dementia".
- 11/21 - Congrats to Isaac Chang on winning the first prize at the TransformHF's Innovation Pitch event on presenting "#AVA: Your AI powered virtual rehabilitation assistant".
- 10/21 - Awarded the JP Bickell MEdical Research Grant on AI driven Personalized Virtual Cardiac Rehabilitation
- 10/21 - Invited Talk at University of Waterloo, "Privacy, Emotions and Intelligent Sensing."
- 08/21 - Organized the 4th ARIAL Workshop at IJCAI'21.
- 07/21 - Speaker at the IEEE BHI-BSN 2021: Workshop on Machine Learning based decision support system for early-stage prediction of complications and risk stratification of COVID 19 patients.
- 07/21 - Paper accepted in EMBC2021.
- 06/21 - Received SSHRC Insight Grant, titled "Examining the paradox of smart homes under the contemporary lens of surveillance theory".
- 05/21 - Applications invited for a SSHRC funded Postdoctoral Fellow position for a multi-discplinary and multi-institute project at the intersection of smart homes, surveillance theories and ethics.[Details] [Position Closed].
- 04/21 - Our postdoc Dr. Ali Abedi received the AGEWELL Access award.
- 04/21 - 2 papers accepted at the Canadian AI conference and 1 at the Coputer Vision and Robotics conference.
- 04/21 - Speaker at the Canada-India Health summit webinar.
- 03/21 - Our ARIAL Workshop is accepted at the IJCAI 2021 conference.
- 03/21 - Invited Speaker at the sMAP, CREATE, McMaster University.
- 03/21 - Organized the Indo-Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Rehabilitation Robotics.
- 03/21 - Master's position available in the field of Deep Learning and Video Analysis. [More Details][CLOSED].
- 01/21 - Happy to be on the Program Committee of the 35th Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference.
- 01/21 - Grant Committee Member, CIHR's Health Services Evaluation & Interventions Research.
- 01/21 - Co-Investigator on the successful CIHR Team Grant: Canada-Japan CEEHRC Teams in Advancing Epigenetic Technologies with Dr. Ahmed Ashraf (PI) and Dr. James Davie (Co-I), Artificial Intelligence based adaptive and interpretable models for analyzing multi-track epigenomic sequential data
- 01/21 - Received the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute's Golden Jubilee Conference and Lecture Series Grant to conduct the Indo-Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Rehabilitation Robotics with Dr. Alex Mihailidis and Dr. Abhinav Dhall.
- 11/20 - Keynote speaker at the International Conference on Gerontechnology, Hong Kong, title Multimodal Sensors in the Wild: Case Studies in Clinical and At-home Setting.
- 10/20 - Received AMS Small Grant on assessing patient engagement in virtual cardiac telerehabilitation.
- 10/20 - Mentor in the Women in Science and Engineering, University of Toronto chapter.
- 10/20 - Seeking a highly motivated Associate Technical Analyst in Machine Learning. [Job Posting][CLOSED]
- 10/20 - Paper accepted at ICPR'2021 on Motion and Region Aware Adversarial Fall Detection on Thermal videos
- 10/20 - Selected for the 2020-2021 Cohort for the Entrepreneurship for Cardiovascular Health Opportunities (ECHO) program along with Dr. Tracey Colella.
- 09/20 - Code released for Motion and Region Aware Adversarial Fall Detection on Thermal videos.
- 08/20 - Chaired the session on "Novel Technology in Geriatric Rehabilitation" in the 1st Shanghai International Geriatric Rehabilitation Forum, China, 2020.
- 07/20 - Speaker at the AI for Mental Disorders Workshop, WCCI 2020. [Video]
- 07/20 - Speaker at EMBC'2020 Mini Symposium on Data Analytics in the Wild: Emerging Wearable Inertial Sensors and Egocentric Cameras for Prevention and Rehabilitation, titled Multimodal Sensors in the Wild: Case Studies from Dementia Care and Post-hip Surgery.
- 06/20 - Received NSERC's Discovery Grant on: Unsupervised Deep Learning Framework for Solving One Class Classification Problems.
- 06/20 - Speaker at the EMBC'2020 Mini Symposiium on Artificial Intelligence in Rehabilitation, titled Detecting Agitation in People Living with Dementia from a Wearable Multimodal Sensor.
- 05/20 - Seeking a highly talented and motivated PhD candidate in the field of Deep Learning / Biomedical Engineering. [More details](CLOSED).
- 04/20 - Delighted to be awarded the CIHR Catalyst Grant: Analysis of CLSA Data, with Dr. Andrea Iaboni, et al., Development of Machine Learning Models to Characterize Homebound Status in Older Adults in Canada.
- 03/20 - Appeared on the panel discussion on the ZoomerTV on AI and Technolony transforming health, aging and longevity.
- 01/20 - Received CIHR SPOR grant with Dr. Charlene Chu on "Assessing the physiological and behavioural effects of orally ingested cannabidiol (CBD) in older adults with dementia living at home".
- 12/19 - Seeking highly motivated Research Analyst in Computer Vision / Deep Learning. [Job Posting][CLOSED].
- 12/19 - Happy to serve on the Program Committee of IJCAI-PRICAI2020, the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020, Japan.
- 11/19 - Co-PI on two awarded grants from CABHI.
- 10/19 - Happy to be on the Program Committee of the 33rd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ottawa, 2020.
- 10/19 - Our paper "DeepFall - Non-invasive Fall Detection with Deep Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Autoencoders" is accepted in the Journal of Health Informatics.
- 09/19 - Our paper "Bootstrapping and Multiple Imputation Ensemble Approaches for Classification Problems" is accepted in the Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems
- 09/19 - CIHR Postdoctoral Fellowship opportunity. Deadline 01/10 [CLOSED].
- 08/19 - Accepting applications to host Indian researchers in Canada through Shastri Fellowships. Read details here [CLOSED].
- 07/19 - Our postdoc Dr. Sofija Spasojevic got the highly competitive and prestigious AGE-WELL post-doctoral award.
- 07/19 - Panel speaker at the Technology Investment Conference -- Smart Aging, Bangkok, Thailand.
- 07/19 - Guest Lecturer, Da Vinci Engineering Enrichment Program (DEEP) run by the University of Toronto Outreach Office.
- 06/19 - Organized the RehabWeek Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Revolutionizing Mental Health Problems & Rehabilitation in Older Adults
- 05/19 - Participated in CIHR's Observer Program for the Spring 2019 Project Grant competition, as part of the Commercialization Committee.
- 04/19 - Honored to be invited to present our group's research and interact with students at IIT Ropar, India.
- 04/19 - Two papers accepted at the EMBC to be held in Berlin, Germany in 2019.
- 03/19 - Seeking highly motivated Master's students in the field of Machine Learning / Biomedical Engineering. Read details here.[CLOSED]
- 02/19 - Our 3rd Workshop on AI for Aging, Rehabilitation and Independent Assisted Living is accepted to be held in Macao, China, in conjunction with IJCAI'2019. Please contribute your research to the workshop.
- 02/19 - Our survey paper on mixed data clustering in accepted in IEEE Access journal.
- 01/19 - Happy to be on the Programme Committee of IJCAI'2019.
- 12/18 - Our paper on data bias is accepted in Machine Learning for Health Workshop at NeurIPS'2018.
- 11/18 - Served as a panelist at the Science North's Science Cafe event on AI : Not Just For Robots Anymore.
- 11/18 - Our DeepFall paper won the best poster prize at the Toronto Machine Learning Summit, Canada.
- 11/18 - Our workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Revolutionizing Mental Health Problems & Rehabilitation in Older Adults is accepted for the RehabWeek'2019.
- 10/18 - CIHR Postdoctoral Fellowship opportunity. [CLOSED]
- 10/18 - Released the Code for DeepFall [GitHub]
- 10/18 - Guest Lecturer at the Graduate Nursing class, University of Toronto on Technology and Aging.
- 10/18 - Started serving as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering.
- 09/18 - Happy to be on the Programme Committee of AAAI'2019.
- 08/18 - Please vote and share our video on improving physical activity and cognitive health in older adults in the AGE-WELL National Impact Challenge. [CLOSED]
- 07/18 - Organized the 2nd ARIAL Workshop @IJCAI'2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
- 06/18 - Joined as a Scientist at Toronto Rehabilitation Institute in June'2018. #Excited.
- 05/18 - Happy to receive Ryerson's FCS Seed Grant with Dr. Kristine Newman for our project "Intelligent Intervention System to Deter Older People (Living with Mild Dementia) from Physical Inactivity".
- 05/18 - Seeking a Post-doctoral researcher to work on detecting aggression in people living with dementia using wearable and ambient sensors. Click for job details [CLOSED].
- 04/18 - Technical Editor of the book - Artificial Intelligence for Business: What You Need to Know about Machine Learning and Neural Networks. Available on Amazon.
- 03/18 - Co-chairing/Co-organizing the 2nd Workshop on AI for Aging, Rehabilitation and Independent Assisted Living to be held in Stockholm, Sweden, in conjunction with IJCAI/FAIM'2018.
- 02/18 - Selected as a Top Quora Writer for consecutive third year.
- 02/18 - Our paper on Relationships of One-class nearest neighbours methods and their ensembles is accepted in IEEE TKDE.
- 02/18 - Our paper on Improving Alzheimer's disease detection using everyday motion data is accepted in 31st Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference, Toronto.
- 02/18 - Happy to be on Program Committee of IJCAI'2018.
- 02/18 - Our Systematic Review on Detecting Agitation and Aggression in People with Dementia using Sensors is accepted for publication in Alzheimer's & Dementia Journal.
- 02/18 - Selected for the inaugural cohort of the Vector Institute Postgraduate Affiliate Program. [Mention]
- 01/18 - Gave an invited talk at the Center for Bioengineering & Biotechnology, University of Waterloo. [Mention]
- 01/18 - Very happy to release the code of our paper Cluster Center Initialization Algorithm for K-means clustering.
- 12/17 - Our paper on Fall Detection using Ensemble of Auto-Encoders [PDF] won the best paper award at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute Research Day, 2018.
- 11/17 - Successfully Co-organized/Co-chaired the 1st Workshop on Data Mining for Aging, Rehabilitation and Independent Assisted Living (ARIAL), in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining series (ICDM), New Orleans, USA, November 2017 - [Call for Papers].
- 11/17 - Selected as Publon's Top peer reviewers for 2017 for Canada.
- 08/17 Released InJoFi: Intelligent Journal Finder. More details, [Github].
- 07/17 - Our Research on Fall Detection using Deep Auto-Encoders is featured on University Health Network News.
- 04/17 - Panelist and Speaker at the 9th Annual Geriatrics Skills Day Workshop, Hamilton, Canada.
- 03/17 - Ryerson University Press news about our research on agitation in dementia patients.
- 02/17 - Guest Lecturer at the Graduate Nursing class, University of Toronto on Technology and Aging.
- 01/17 - 02/17 3 journal articles accepted in 2017.