Making Old People Beneficial to the Public

(This is an opinion essay, it is a response to Jonathan Swift's essay. Please do not be offended.)

 One day, a businessman was looking to build his business in Canada, but when he saw Canada’s big deficits and Health Care expenses, and the long list in the Canada Pension and Old Age Security Department with seniors waiting to receive their monthly cheques, he decided to turn back and invest in another country. These business people, instead of taking a risk in Canada, where the seniors constantly draining the Government system, could invest in a third-world country like China and Mexico and develop their economy and improve their standard of living to another level.

 These investors and business people are very important to Canada because they are able to generate our Gross Domestic Product, and drive our economy to the next level. Without these people, Canada will not only lose their trading partners, but also create an unstable economy.

 As a result of the lack of investors and business people in Canada and the unstable economy, there are many hungry and homeless people wandering on the streets, many Canadians suffered cuts in government services and in wages, and the economy suffered its drop in the working efficiency rate. We should adopt Bentham’s concept of Utilitarianism, where government makes small sacrifices for the benefit of the majority people. I believe it is time for the government to do something about this crisis before it gets out of hand.

 It is sad to say this but the main reason that lead towards these unhappy situations and cause a letdown in the economy are the seniors.

 We are facing one major problem in the Canada today, the number of seniors continues to grow faster than the birth rates. We will soon run out of resources for everyone to use. If the resources become scarce, the price for everything will go up. And with the lack of money people have because of the shortage of investors and business people, the whole nation will starve to death.

 There are two simple choices: Should Canada reduce the number of seniors? Or should all Canadians starve to death? I think this answer is obviously the first choice. I know it is immoral to take the seniors’ lives, but this is a survival game. If we do not get rid of seniors, everything will be destroyed, including our dreams and future will be vanished and demolished forever.

 I, personally, have nothing against seniors, but they are not doing any good to our economy. I do not want to see them suffer any longer, and to see Canada in a bigger deficit. It is time to put an end to both, Canada’s and the seniors’ miseries, and use their retirement funds and their body parts for something that is useful and beneficial to the public.

 We can donate and sell their organs to the people with illness, we can sell their bodies to medical schools for experiment, we can divide up their share of the economic pie to upgrade the lives of many poor and hungry people, and we can use their retirement funds to improve our Education and Health Care services.

 Given the nature of old people’s age and the lack of strength, their body system can no longer have the strength to fight disease. As a result, they will suffer and experience great pains. Therefore they will be the people who constantly use our Health Care system. Every time they see a doctor or order a prescription from a doctor, it cost the Government money.

 Seniors could not help us in anyway, instead the young people have a burden to take care of them. The only way for them to help and give something back to the community is to sacrifice their lives, so that we do not have to take care of them, and sell their body parts and use up their Old Age Pensions to benefit the public.

 Their body parts will be useful to the public, because we can sell parts such as organs, kidneys, and heart to other countries that have the demand for it. In return, we will receive money or military weapons to strengthen the security of our country. We are in the same situation as the early Indians, where they traded animal furs for weapons to defend themselves from invaders.  Not only by selling their body parts will give Canada more money and weapons to use, but also it will give Canadians more food and resources available to consume.

 Their Old Age Pensions, on the other hand, will benefit the public the most because we can use this budget for many purposes. We can use it to invest on the stock market, improve government services, pay off the deficit, prevent cuts in wages, and divide up the money to feed hungry people and shelter the homeless. As a result of putting more money into the government services, it will attract many business people and investors to Canada.

 There are currently more than one million Canadian seniors across Canada who retired or planning on retirement. Imagine the amount of money in the Old Age Pension and the money saved from the Health Care budget, we can use this money for many purposes. Not only we can use this budget to help the poor people in Canada, but we can also use it to help people in the third-world countries.

 I think the government should adopt the concept of Utilitarianism, and meet the demands of majority. This is the only way, in my opinion, to solve the problems in Canada today. I do not believe in killing, but this is a cruel society and like a survival game, you either kill or be killed.

 There was an old saying, “No Pain, No Gain”, meaning if you do not sacrifice or give up something, you will have nothing in return. I think if Canada can reduce the number of seniors, it can give the economy a big boost. If Canada does not reduce the seniors, our economy will continue to suffer greatly. It is time to take actions on the population of seniors, before they will consequently drain our country with nothing left.