Somayeh Sadat



2004–Present                University of Toronto          Toronto, ON., Canada

§        Ph.D. Candidate in Industrial Engineering

§        Thesis: Idealized design for cancer care delivery in Princess Margaret Hospital

§        Committee: Michael Carter (supervisor), Daniel Frances, Brian Golden

2002–2004                    University of Toronto          Toronto, ON., Canada

§        Master of Applied Science in Industrial Engineering

§        Thesis: A system dynamics approach to modeling cardiology patient flow in Trillium Health Center

§        Committee: Baris Balcioglu, Michael Carter (supervisor), Daniel Frances

1998–2002                    Sharif University of Technology        Tehran, Iran

§        B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering

§        B.Sc. Project: A genetic algorithm approach to operation allocation in auto industry

§        Supervisor: Dr. Mohammad Modarress

Academic Experience

2002–Present                University of Toronto          Toronto, ON., Canada

Research Assistant

§        Healthcare Resource Modeling lab, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto

§        Team Projects:

§ Fall 2003 – Fall 2005:: Developing models of cardiology patient flow (Trillium Health Center, Toronto, ON., Canada), neo-natal patient flow (Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON., Canada),  medicine patient flow (Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto, ON., Canada), and emergency patient flow (Ottawa General Hospital, Ottawa, ON., Canada), funded by the Change Foundation and participating hospitals.

§ Summer 2003: A time study of surgical residents in St. Mike Hospital, in collaboration with the department of surgery at the University of Toronto.

§ Spring 2003: Quantifying the risks and consequences of blood product shortages, in collaboration with Canadian Blood Services.


2002–Present                University of Toronto          Toronto, ON., Canada

Teaching Assistant

§        MIE561: Healthcare Systems, Spring 2005 and 2006

§        MIE373: Resource and Production Systems, Spring 2005 and  Spring 2004

§        MIE360: Systems modeling and simulation, Fall 2005, 2004 and 2003

§      MIE363: Resource and Production Modeling, Spring 2003



2001–2002                    Sharif University of Technology        Tehran, Iran

Teaching Assistant

§        System Dynamics, Fall 2001


2000–2002                    Sharif University of Technology        Tehran, Iran

Research Assistant

§        Business Strategy Formulation for National Petrochemical Company with Dr. Ali N. Mashayekhi

Peer-reviewed Publications


§        Kopach, Renata, Somayeh Sadat, Ian D. Gallaway, Glen Geiger, Wendy J. Ungar, and Peter C. Coyte. 2005. Cost-effectiveness analysis of medical documentation alternatives. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 21, (1) (January 2005): 126-131. (pdf file)


Conference Presentations


§        Somayeh Sadat, Michael Carter, Caroline Chan, "System Dynamics Simulation for Resource Allocation in Trillium Health Centre", CORS/INFORMS joint international meeting, May 16-19, 2004, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

§        Somayeh Sadat, Michael Carter, "Models of Health Care Systems: Advantages and Disadvantages", first international management conference, December 29-31, 2003, Tehran, Iran.

§        Somayeh Sadat, Renata Kopach, Daniel Frances, "Quantifying the Risk of Blood Product Shortages", 45th Annual Conference of the Canadian Operations Research Society, June 2-4, 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Other Publications


§        Somayeh Sadat, and Nasim G. Tehrani, "An Introduction to Meta-Heuristic Algorithms in Optimization", Sanaaye Magazine, spring 2002.

§        Somayeh Sadat, and Nasim G. Tehrani, “Research and Educational characteristics of Industrial Engineering discipline”, Sanaaye Magazine, summer 2001

§        Somayeh Sadat, “Engineers as Managers: Why and How?”, Sanaaye Magazine, summer 2001.

Graduate Courses


§        Information Technology and Systems: Management Strategies, Fall 2002

§        Health Economics, Fall 2002

§        Integer Programming, Fall 2002

§        Health Care Systems, Spring 2003

§        Case Studies in Health Policy, Spring 2004

§        Technology, Society, and the Environment, Fall 2004

§        Canada’s Health System and Health Policy, Fall 2004

§        Discrete Event Simulation, Fall 2005

§        Health Sector Strategy and Organization, Fall 2005

§        Engineering Maintenance Management, Spring 2006

Test Results


§    Iranian National MBA Entrance Exam (2002): Ranked 4th among around 12,000 students

§    Graduate Record Examination (2001):

§   Analytical: 800 out of 800 (98th percentile)

§   Quantitative: 800 out of 800 (97th percentile)

§     Verbal: 410 out of 800 (32nd percentile)

§    Iranian National University Entrance Exam (1998) : Ranked 94th among around 300,000 students


Extracurricular Activities


§        Contributing Author to Free Thoughts on Iran, Spring 2004 - Present

§        Member of Editorial Board of GhasedakFall 2003 – Spring 2005

§        Founder and member of the “meta-heuristic algorithms” student study group, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Summer 2001.

§      Teacher, System Dynamics for High School Students Program, Farzanegan Highschool, Fall-Winter 1999.




Last updated: January 2006