Human Sexuality Program Social Work Services, Toronto District School Board |
Anti-Homophobia Group Work for YOUR Classroom!
In 1999, the TDSB approved an Equity Policy Statement which requires that ideals related to anti-homomphobia and sexual orientation equity (as with all areas of equity) be reflected in all aspects of organizational structures, polices, guidelines, procedures, classroom practices, day-to-day operations, and communication practices.
(Section 3: Anti-Homophobia, Sexual Orientation and Equity, TDSB Equity Foundation Statement & Commitments to Equity Policy Implementation, pg. 21)
Elementary Panel (K-6)
Family Values Workshop – We Value ALL Families…
- definitions (gay, lesbian, straight, homophobia)
- NFB videos (Apples & Oranges, Sticks & Stones) – a discussion of family diversity and the impact of homophobic bullying, name-calling; for grades 1-3: story-telling with video clip from, “That’s a Family!”; for kindergarten, a 25 minutes storytelling time
- exercise, “What’s a normal family?” and/or “Same and Different” and/or “Porcupine Game” that explores homophobic name-calling; students are encouraged to ask questions/make comments throughout the presentation
- Grades 4-6: Homophobia and the Media, What do we learn about gay and lesbian people from tv?
– an interactive conversation that explores the impact of television images/portrayals of lgbt people; discussion of tv shows, commercials and popular culture; a media literacy approach
Middle School
- General discussions of lesbian, gay, bisexual issues that uses the porcupine exercise – following some definitions, the exercise explores homophobia, what motivates it and how it impacts on people… this may also be accompanied with question/answer component where the students hear from a panel of young people who speak of their experience as lesbian, gay and bisexual youth and youth with lesbian, gay and bisexual parents
- Hate Crimes – through the use of video and an interactive exercise (“pyramid of hate”), students are engaged in a discussion that looks at hate crime on a broad level with a specific focus to anti-gay hate crime…. the discussion also focuses on how to fight hate…
- Homophobia and the Media – a middle school version of the above (elementary) workshop
Secondary Schools (the following list is just some of the past types of group work offered)
(The following topics also include a discussion of definitions of common terms…)
- General Discussion of lesbian, gay and bisexual issues that may use interactive exercises (such as the porcupine game-see above), NFB Video (“In Other Words”) – featuring lgbt students, some from the TDSB; possibly a question/answer panels of lesbian, gay and bisexual youth
- Hate Crimes (see above); Legal issues facing lesbian, gay and bisexual persons (generally, and in roles as parents and spouses); History ( eg. the origin of the pink and black triangle in Nazi concentration camps );Family Studies; Health and Sexuality…. (phys.ed and health classes) as it pertains to lesbian, gay and bisexual issues
For more info and/or to book a workshop, please contact:
Steven Solomon, MSW, RSW, School Social Worker
Human Sexuality Program & Triangle Program, TDSB
Tel: (416) 985-3749 Email: steven.solomon@tdsb.on.ca