Academic Writing # Buddhism


2001 You’re what you sense: a Buddhian-scientific dialogue on mindbody
2012 Arahant Mahinda-redactor of the Buddhapujava in Sinhala Buddhism : with Pali text, translation and analysis
2014 Dhamma Aboard Evolution: a Canonical Study of Aggñña Sutta in relation to Science
Journal Articles
1995 The whole body, not heart, as ‘seat of consciousness’: the Buddha’s view
2005 Pariyatti, patipatti and pativedha (Theory, Praxis and Insight)
2006 Inherited Buddhists and Acquired Buddhists
2008 Establishing of Mindfulness Meditation (satipatthana bhavana): the Creative Interplay of Cognition, Praxis and Affection                                                                                  
2009 ‘Against Belief’: Mindfulness Meditation (satipatthana bhavana) as Empirical Method
2010 Rebirth as Empirical Basis for the Buddha’s Four Noble Truths
2011 ‘Asoulity’ as Translation of Anatta: Absence, not Negation
2014 Foundations of Mindfulness
2014 Evolution and Devolution in the Aggañña Sutta, CJBS 9, 2013
2015 Triune Mind Finds Home in Triune Brain: An Exercise in Buddhianscience & Westernscience
2015 Triune Mind in Buddhism: A Textual Exploration


2008 (Ed.), Thus Spake the Sangha: Early Buddhist Leadership in Toronto.

Dr Lillian Petroff, Multicultural History Society of Ontario “This collection delivers some of the richest and most revealing portraits of people and a religious community in transition … It benefits from an Introduction juxtaposing the oral testimony with some theoretical insights… weaving like a musical chord– full of subtlety, nuances and difference that create historical context.”

2012 Arahant Mahinda - Redactor of the Buddhapujava in Sinhala Buddhism, with Pali Text, Translation and Analysis.

Review by Dr P G Punchihewa: -

2014 Dhamma Aboard Evolution: A Canonical Study of the Agganna Sutta in relation to Science.

Prof. Victor Bruce Mathews, Dean of Arts, Acadia University, Canada: … a novel perspective on this ancient text. …[ He] urges us to see how the Buddha’s views on cosmological and evolutionary topics are not contradictory to what he calls ‘Western science’, ….[a view] perhaps best distilled in the title, Dhamma Aboard Evolution - in other words, Buddhist teachings traveling compatibly alongside of modern evolutionary concepts. … An added strength is that he writes very well. - Ven. Madawela Punnaji Mahathero (Malaysia) …a monumental presentation … Prof. Sugunasiri shows that the Buddha was not only discussing the important subject of genesis, but also that he was ahead of modern science. Ven. Ajahn Punnadhammo Mahathero, Canada …Dr. Sugunasiri's contribution in the present work is to apply an exacting scholarship to the Pali text itself and to tease out many fascinating and unexpected parallels to the modern scientific account of earth's long history. The approach in this book is …. to guide the reader along the way to the same vision as the Buddha's listeners twenty-five centuries ago. Paradoxically, the result more often than not seems surprisinglymodern. … a bold opening to a new area of investigation. Prof. Lily de Silva, Prof. Emerita, Dept of Pali & Buddhist Studies, U of Ceylon, Sri Lanka. I congratulate you on your profound interdisciplinary knowledge in attempting to correlate the Agganna Sutta with themoder scientific bio-cosmological theories. Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, Biologist and author of Science Set Free, UK Your research on this Buddhist text goes into areas I’ve never seen explored before in Buddhist scholarship.

2001 You're What You Sense: Buddha on Mindbody

Dr. Gareth Sparham, U of Michigan, USA; author of work on Tibetan Buddhism, Fulfilment of All Hopes of Disciples (2000) “It is a pleasure to see a book that conveys difficult topics in Buddhist Abhidhamma clearly … the result of many years of experience teaching university and other students in Canada” Prof. Helmut (Ken) Burkhardt, Prof. of Physics, Ryerson Polytechnic University, and President, Science for Peace. “After reading this work, I have three tips of the hat to make. One for the Buddha, for creating a profound and comprehensive body of knowledge on sentient beings, one for the culture that brought forth Buddha and one for Prof. Sugunasiri for presenting this not so simple worldview in a lighthearted, easy to read, but comprehensive way”.
Buddhism 1 Buddhism 2 2014 Buddha - Life there was before earth: Scientists Agree 2016 The Buddha Sees the Neuronal Synaptic Gap in His Mindscope 2018 Buddhadhamma as Science in Praxis Buddhism 3 1989 Buddhism in metropolitan Toronto: a preliminary survey 1990 Buddhism: putting suffering to work for wellness - psychophysical and spiritual 1995 ‘Buddhism’ 2014 “Early Buddhist Sangha Leadership in Toronto: Growth of a Tree” 2017 Buddhism in Canada - an Oral History 2016 How Sinhala Buddhists Cope with Death: Funeral Ceremony as Mother/Social Worker, Community Worker, Psychologist, Psychiatrist and Spiritual Guide Buddhism 5 1995 Uniting people through language and mind cultivation: a Buddhist response to the world scientists’ warning to humanity 1999 Human rights: a Buddhist critique Buddhism 6 1995 Buddhist stories for transition in a strange land (keynote presentation)