






Due to the widespread use of blackboards, it is necessary to define a set of parameters for study. Blackboards have existed in many forms, from traditional large slate examples to smaller portable pieces, and can be placed within a larger grouping of associated objects, such as green boards and whiteboards. The focus of my investigation:

  • Wall-mounted, primarily slate, boards will form the focus as the most effective means of demonstrating the effect of blackboards on social behaviour. Wall-mounted boards oblige the researcher to carefully ponder the location of their installation. For an example, see the following:

Room 108 Emanuel College, University of Toronto. From Tim Whalley.

  • The University of Toronto, with a wide range of boards and classrooms, presents a useful location to conduct material research. While valuable in terms of artifact analysis and personal accounts of instructors, however, the study must be placed in coordination with a wider grouping of institutions.


  • Partly because of a lack of previous examination, and a limited documentary resource base, it will be necessary to apply the investigation across a relatively long historical period.


  • Particular emphasis will be placed on the 19th and early 20th century.


  • Discussion of the subject must include multiple levels of education, and acknowledge the diversity of uses of blackboards inside and outside educational institutions.

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