UTGrade 2.x Readme/Help


UTGrade Homepage: http://individual.utoronto.ca/utgrade/
Email: uoftboard@yahoo.ca
Bugs or comments? Write it on the Guestbook at UTGrade's homepage or email me.

NOTE: Version 2.0 CANNOT read 2.0 Beta's data.utg. But there is a way to convert it.

NOTE #2: UTGrade uses the GPA and letter grade scheme of the University of Toronto Engineering (hence UT Grade), you may have a different scheme if you are from another university. Multi-scheme support may be implemented in later versions if there is enough request for it.





Tutorial for First-time Users


Known Bugs

About UTGrade

Version History



The author is not responsible for any damage that UTGrade causes, including those caused by miscalculation of marks (well, I've done enough testing to ensure that it shouldn't happen). Please tell your friends/classmates about UTGrade. Thanks for using UTGrade!



  1. Run UTGsetup.exe to unzip all files to a folder, e.g. "C:\Program Files\UTGrade".

  2. Run RunMeFirst.exe (important) to determine if you meet the software requirements.

  3. If you meet the requirements, you can now run UTGrade by double-clicking UTGrade.exe! (tip: make a shortcut on the desktop so you won't forget to update your records)

  4. If you don't meet the requirements, RunMeFirst.exe should tell you what you need and how to get them.


  1. UTGrade doesn't make ANY changes to your system or registry, so simply delete UTGrade.exe and everything that came with it.

  2. Regret that you've uninstalled UTGrade.


Tutorial for First-time Users

  1. Let's say that a new term has started and you have to add some courses. Start UTGrade and then make sure it's in EDIT mode (the book icon to the right has the green lock open). If not, click the book icon with the lock to toggle it to EDIT mode. This button always says the CURRENT MODE, not the mode that it will go into if clicked.

  2. Now you can add a new course by adding information in the row with header * . Course code and name are required, but website is optional.

  3. After you've finished adding courses, click the book icon again to go to LOCKED mode (or use Alt-S). Now you can avoid editing course info by accident, and now you can go to a course screen by just clicking the course code (now in blue hyperlink color). You can always go back to EDIT mode if needed.

  4. If you look at the statistics on the bottom, they are all N/A. After you enter some records, they will display numbers (cool!)

  5. To add an assignment/test record to a course, click on that course's code. The course code and name are at the top of the screen. Again, you can add an assignment/test by clicking on the row with header * . An assignment/test is always editable, there is no locked mode in course screen. Column "% Mark" and "Date Added" are not editable (obviously). Column "% Class Avg" is optional (just enter -1 if you don't know the average).

  6. You can now use Forecast and Target by clicking the buttons to the right.

  7. To go back the Report Card screen, click the icon with a folder and a green up-arrow.

  8. To return to a course screen, you can click the course code as previously said, or you can click the button with a folder and a green down-arrow.

  9. A few months later...the term is finished, and you want to clean out the records but also want to keep them for future court battles. Just go to EDIT mode and click the icon with a book and an orange eject symbol. This will archive your records automatically.

  10. That's all there is to it!




turn <ece115_x0020_-_x0020_electricity_x0020__x0026__x0020_magnetism> to
<ece115_x0020_-_x0020_electricity_x0020__x0026__x0020_magnetism xmlns="1">

Don't add xmlns to Report Card, just do it to the courses' names. Increment the xmlns number as you proceed. Next, added <NS>1</NS> to each course under Report Card, where the number corresponds to xmlns' number for that course. Sounds complicated? Well, told you it was beta.

Report Card


Grid Navigation

The following table lists the keyboard shortcuts that can be used for navigation within the grid:



Complete a cell entry and move down to the next cell.


Cancel cell editing if in cell edit mode.


Delete the character before the insertion point when editing a cell.


Delete the character after the insertion point when editing a cell.


Move to the first cell in the current row.


Move to the last cell in the current row.


Highlight characters in the current cell and position the insertion point at the end of the line. Same behavior as double-clicking a cell.


If focus is on a cell, move to the next cell in the row.


Move to the next control (e.g. button) in the tab order.


Move to the previous control in the tab order.


Move to the farthest nonblank cell in the direction of the arrow.


Extend the selection one row in the direction of the arrow.


Extend the selection to farthest nonblank row in the direction of the arrow.


Move to the upper-left cell.


Move to the lower-right cell.


Extend the selection to the top row.


Extend the selection to the bottom row.


Select the current row.


Select the entire grid.


Extend the selection down one screen.


Extend the selection up one screen.


Enter a (null) value into a cell when in edit mode.



Known Bugs


About UTGrade

UTGrade's concept is from a TI-86 BASIC program I wrote for my own use. Later, UTGrade 1.0 was written in C++, using the console as the interface, and distributed for free to anyone who cared to use it. Now, the code is completely rewritten with UTGrade 2, which features a windows GUI (long overdue, I guess). Hopefully it is of some use to you.


Version History


Build 1269

-Fixed: data.utg.bak no longer gets overwritten with bad data.utg

Build 1268

-Fixed: Numerous bugs fixed! About 20% code rewrite since build 1254 to fix those bugs. Now UTGrade should be mostly bug-free!
-Fixed: Column sorting is now working (except when number values have different number of digits)
-Added: help file as readme.html
-Removed: Always-on-top, since it's not working correctly and I can't find a fix.
-Replaced readme.txt and version.txt with readme.html

2.0 Beta
Build 1260

-BUG: Column sorting is not working.
-Added: backup feature. Now you always have a backup of data.utg from the previous time you used UTGrade - a last resort if somehow the current data.utg is corrupt and you can't load it.
-Fixed: Class average no longer displays "NaN" due to division by zero
-Fixed some other minor bugs

Build 1254

-Fixed empty course table error due to xml not writing null entries
-Updated RunMeFirst so you can click buttons to download required components
-Prevented button texts from showing

Build 1249

-Fixed some illegibility problem caused by theme colors
-Shortened fade-in and out times.
-Major changes to the install procedure. Eliminated the burdensome Windows Installer. Now you can just unzip UTGrade.exe to any folder and it should work, i.e. no more setup.

Disadvantage: you have to add shortcuts on your desktop manually.

Advantages: you no longer need to download 1.6 MB to install Windows Installer (I don't know about you, but the idea of installing a installer sounds very stupid to me). Also, to uninstall, you don't need to add/remove, you can simply delete UTGrade.exe - it no longer changes the registry. Further, the download size is cut in half. Please see DOWNLOADS for more detail.



-DOS console based, not able to edit records easily.
-And other forgotten stuff...


Copyright © 2003 David He
University of Toronto Engineering