Anton Yasnitsky, Ph.D. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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PROJECTS: Past, Ongoing and Forthcoming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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BOOKS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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CHAPTERS & ARTICLES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yasnitsky, A. (forthcoming, 2021). Cultural-historical gestalt psychology and beyond: A new history (and theory) of the ‘informal personal network’ of intellectuals is needed. [PAPER DRAFT]. Target paper for special edition on "cultural historical gestalt psychology" and "psychological materialism" of Gestalt Theory. An International Multidisciplinary Journal Yasnitsky, A. (forthcoming, 2021). Cultural historical gestalt theory and beyond: Toward pragmatic anthropology. [PAPER DRAFT]. Target paper for special edition on "cultural historical gestalt psychology" and "psychological materialism" of Gestalt Theory. An International Multidisciplinary Journal Yasnitsky, A. (2021). Scientific revolution without any revolution whatsoever: The psychology of the 21st century as ‘eternal return’ to its roots. Paper presented on April, 20, 2021 at the Guest Lecture, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain. Yasnitsky, A. (2020). Aleksei N. Leontiev’s Research on Memory and its Meaning as the Soviet Avant-Garde Science of the Future. In: Dossier of Cadernos CEDES [CEDES Notebooks], 40(111), 123-134, Brazil (in English). Yasnitsky, A. (2020). A pesquisa de Aleksei N. Leontiev sobre a memoria e seu significado como Vanguarda na Ciencia Sovietica do Futuro. In: Dossier of Cadernos CEDES [CEDES Notebooks], 40(111), 123-134, Brazil (in Portuguese). Yasnitsky, A. (2020). Sergei Rubinstein as the founder of Soviet Marxist psychology: “Problems of Psychology in the Works of Karl Marx” (1934) and beyond. In: Yasnitsky, A. (Ed.) (2020). A History of Marxist Psychology: The Golden Age of Soviet Science (Routledge/Taylor & Francis). Yasnitsky, A. (2020). A New History of Psychology: Soviet, Russian, Marxist [FINAL DRAFT] [e-book chapter on Google Scholar]. In: Yasnitsky, A. (Ed.) (2020). A History of Marxist Psychology: The Golden Age of Soviet Science (Routledge/Taylor & Francis). Yasnitsky, A. (2019). Историография русской психологии в 21 веке: Перспектива стороннего, но активного наблюдателя [Historiography of Russian psychology in 21st century: The perspective of a detached, but active observer]. Paper prepared for oral presentation at the "Arzamas readings" Conference, September 19-21, 2019. Yasnitsky, A. (2019). Ревизионистская революция в выготсковедении: На пути к выготскианской авангардной «науке о Сверхчеловеке» в 21 веке [Revisionist revolution in Vygotsky Studies: Toward Vygotskian avant-garde "science of Superman"]. Submitted to the edited volume «Психология человека: Л. С. Выготский и современная наука» [Psychology of the man: L.S. Vygotsky and contemporary science] at Nizhyn Gogol State University, Ukraine (in Russian) Yasnitsky, A. (2018). Vygotsky's Marxism: A 21st Century Leftist Bolshevik Critique («Le marxisme de Vygotski: Le 21e siecle critique gauchiste bolchevique») [PDF of PPT]. Discussion paper presented on June 22, 2018 at the 7e Seminaire international Vygotski held at the Universite de Geneve, June 20-22, 2018, Geneva, Switzerland. Yasnitsky, A. (2018). Vygotsky's Science of Superman: From utopia to concrete psychology. In: Yasnitsky, A. (Ed.) (2018). Questioning Vygotsky’s Legacy: Scientific Psychology or Heroic Cult. London and New York: Routledge. Yasnitsky, A. (2017). Lev Vigotski. Obutchenie. Revista de Didatica e Psicologia Pedagogica, v.1, n. 2 (maio/agos. 2017), 457-465. ; Brazil (in Portuguese). Yasnitsky, A. (2017). «Орудие и знак в развитии ребенка»: Самая известная работа Л.С. Выготского, которую он никогда не писал (2017). ["Orudie i znak v razvitii rebenka: Samaia izvestnaia rabota L.S. Vygotskogo, kotoruiu on nikoga ne pisal]. ["Tool and sign in the development of the child": The most famous Vygotsky's work, which he never wrote]. Психология. Журнал Высшей школы экономики, vol. 14. No. 4, 576–606. DOI: 10.17323/1813-8918-2017-4-576-606 (In Russian). Yasnitsky, A., Lamdan, E., & van der Veer, R. (2017). «В августе 1941-го»: Неизвестное письмо А.Р. Лурии в США как зеркало ревизионистской революции в историографии русской психологии [“In the August of 1941”: Alexander Luria’s Unknown Letter to the USA in the Light of Revisionist Revolution in the Historiography of Russian Psychology]. История российской психологии в лицах: Дайджест, 2017. №2, 225-292. Semenova, E.A. & Yasnitsky, A. (2017). Выготский Лев Семенович [Vygotskii Lev Semenovich]. In Русские литературоведы ХХ века. Биобиблиографический словарь. Том 1. А-Л. [Russian literary scholars of 20th century. Biobibliographical dictionary. Vol. 1] / Ред. Клинг, О.А. и Холиков, А.А. СПб.: Нестор-История, 2017. Yasnitsky, A. (2016; manuscript of 2013, submitted to and lost by the editors of the Russian journal Kul'turno-istoricheskaia psikhologiia [Cultural-historical psychology]). Ревизионистская революция в историографии русской психологии: От "репрессированной науки" и "теории деятельности" к транснациональной истории интегративной психологии [Revisionist revolution in the historiography of Russian psychology: Away from the "repressed science" and "theory of activity" towards transnational history of integrative psychology]. Kul'turno-istoricheskaia psikhologiia Presentations on the Revisionist Revolution: Discussion on the "Сталинская модель науки" в современной русской психологии ['Stalin model of science' in contemporary Russian psychology] in PEM: Psychology, Educology, Medicine, 3-4, 2015 (in Russian)
Lamdan, E., Yasnitsky, A., & van der Veer, R. (2015, submitted to and lost by the editors of the Russian journal Kul'turno-istoricheskaia psikhologiia [Cultural-historical psychology]). "В августе 1941-го": Неизвестное письмо А.Р. Лурии в США как зеркало "ревизионистской революции" ["In the August of 1941": The unknown A.R. Luria's letter to the United States as the mirror of the "revisionist revolution"]. Kul'turno-istoricheskaia psikhologiia Yasnitsky, A. (2015). Сталинская модель науки: история и современность российской психологии [Stalin model of science: The history and the state of the art of contemporary Russian psychology] // Доклад на конференции "Ананьевские чтения – 2015: Фундаментальные проблемы психологии". С.-Петербург, 20-22 октября 2015. Yasnitsky, A. (2015). Дисциплинарное становление русской психологии первой половины ХХ века [Disciplinary formation of Russian psychology of the first half of 20th century: An historical essay]. In Savel'eva, I.M. & Dmitriev, A.N. (Eds.). Науки о человеке: история дисциплин [Human sciences: The history of scientific disciplines] [preview: TOC & Introduction] (pp. 331-361)/ Под общ. ред.: А. Н. Дмитриев, И. М. Савельева. М.: Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2015. Book chapters in Revisionist Revolution in Vygotsky Studies:
Fraser, J. & Yasnitsky, A. (2015). Deconstructing Vygotsky’s Victimization Narrative: A Re-Examination of the "Stalinist Suppression" of Vygotskian Theory. History of the Human Sciences, April 2015 28 (special issue on Vygotsky's legacy: "Vygotsky in His, Our and Future Times"): 128-153, doi:10.1177/0952695114560200 Fraser, J. & Yasnitsky, A. (2015). Deconstruir la narrativa de victimización a Vygotskiy: Una revisión de la "represión estalinista" a la teoría vygotskiana (in Spanish) Yasnitsky, A. (2014, submitted to and lost by the editors of the Russian journal Kul'turno-istoricheskaia psikhologiia [Cultural-historical psychology]). Архетип советской психологии: От сталинизма 1930х к "сталинистской науке" наших дней [The archetype of Soviet psychology: From Stalinism of the 1930s to the “Stalinist science” of our days] (Russian prototype of book chapter). In Yasnitsky, A. & van der Veer, R. (Eds.). Revisionist Revolution in Vygotsky Studies: The State of the Art Yasnitsky, A., & van der Veer, R. (2014). What is this book and what is it about? In Yasnitsky, A., van der Veer, R., & Ferrari, M. (Eds.) (2014). The Cambridge Handbook of Cultural-Historical Psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Yasnitsky, A. (2014). Vygotsky, Lev. In Phillips, D.C. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Yasnitsky, A. (2014). Vigotski, Lev (in Portuguese) Yasnitsky, A. (2014). Vygotski, Liev (in Spanish) Yasnitsky, A. (2014). Field theory. In Teo, T. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. New York: Springer. Yasnitsky, A. (2014). Higher functions & “Height”Psychology: Vygotsky (Ab)Uses Leon Trotsky and Friedrich Nietzsche. Paper presented on August 12, 2014 at 2º Congresso Internacional sobre a Teoria Histórico-Cultural e a 13ª Jornada do Núcleo de Ensino de Marília, Brazil. Yasnitsky, A. (2014). Funciones superiores y psicología de cumbres: Vygotski (ab)usa (de)a León Trotski y Friedrich Nietzsche (in Spanish) Lamdan, E. & Yasnitsky, A. (2013). "Back to the future": Towards Luria's holistic cultural science of human brain and mind in a historical study of mental retardation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00509 Yasnitsky, A. / Ясницкий, А. (2013). Среднеазиатские психологические экспедиции 1931-1932. Хроника событий в письмах и документах / Psychological expeditions of 1931-1932 to Central Asia. Chronicle of events in letters and documents. PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal, 6(3) Yasnitsky, A. (2013). Библиография основных советских работ по кросс-культурной психоневрологии и психологии национальных меньшинств периода коллективизации, индустриализации и культурной революции (1928-1932) [Bibliography of main Soviet studies on cross-cultural psychoneurology and psychology of national minorities of the period of collectivization, industrialization and cultural revolution (1928-1932)]. PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal, 6(3) Yasnitsky, A. (2013). Bibliografía de los principales trabajos soviéticos en psiconeurología transcultural y psicología de las minorías étnicas en el periodo de la colectivización, la industrialización y la revolución cultural (1928-1932) (in Spanish) Yasnitsky, A. (2013). Курт Коффка: "У узбеков ЕСТЬ иллюзий!" Заочная полемика между Лурией и Коффкой [Kurt Koffka: "Uzbeks DO HAVE illusions!" Luria-Koffka Controversy]. PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal, 6(3) Yasnitsky, A. (2013). Book review of Jaan Valsiner. A Guided Science: History of Psychology in the Mirror of Its Making.New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2012. 388 pp. $49.95 (hardcover). ISBN-13: 978-1-4128-4290-7. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences. Volume 49, Issue 3, Summer 2013, Pages: 347-349 Yasnitsky, A. (2013). Book review of Ronald Miller. Vygotsky in Perspective. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2011. 466 pp. $110.00 (hardcover) [pdf]. ISBN-13: 978-1107001862. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences. Volume 49, Issue 1, Winter 2013, Pages: 108–111 Yasnitsky, A. (2012). Психология в Первой Столице: История и современность [Psikhologiia v Pervoi Stolitse: Istoriia i sovremennost'] [Psychology in the "First Capital": The history and the state of the art]. In Хомуленко, Т.Б. & М.А. Кузнецов (Eds.). Харьковская школа психологии: наследие и современная наука. Харьков: ХНПУ, pp. 309-351. Yasnitsky, A. (2012). Lev Vygotsky: Philologist and Defectologist, A Socio-intellectual Biography. In Pickren, W., Dewsbury, D., & Wertheimer, M. (Eds.). Portraits of Pioneers in Developmental Psychology, (Vol. 7, pp. 109-134). New York: Psychology Press. Yasnitsky, A. (2012). The Complete Works of L.S. Vygotsky: PsyAnima Complete Vygotsky project. PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal, 5(3), 144-148. Yasnitsky, A. (2012). Las Obras Completas de L. S. Vygotskiy: el proyecto PsyAnima Vygotskiy Completo (in Spanish) Yasnitsky, A. (2012). Revisionist Revolution in Vygotskian Science: Toward Cultural-Historical Gestalt Psychology. Guest Editor's Introduction. Journal of Russian and East European Psychology, 50(4), 3-15 Yasnitsky, A. (2012). Revolución crítica de la ciencia vygotskiana: hacia la psicología Gestalt histórico-cultural (in Spanish) Yasnitsky, A. (2012, submitted to and lost by the editors of the Russian journal Metodologiia i istoriia psikhologii). «Орудие и знак в развитии ребенка»: Самая известная работа Л.С. Выготского, которую он никогда не писал. ["Orudie i znak v razvitii rebenka: Samaia izvestnaia rabota L.S. Vygotskogo, kotoruiu on nikoga ne pisal]. ["Tool and sign in the development of the child": The most famous Vygotsky's work, which he never wrote]. Metodologiia i istoriia psikhologii, 7(2) (In Russian) Luria, E.A., Akhutina, T.V. & Yasnitsky, A. (2012). Комментарии к [Comments to] Лурия А.Р. Письма к Л.П. Липчиной из Харькова [Luria, A.R. Letters to L.P. Lipchina from Kharkov] [pdf]. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya [Cultural-historical psychology], 2, 11-19. (In Russian) Yasnitsky, A. (2012). Реконструкция поездки А. Р. Лурии на IX международный психологический конгресс. [Rekonstruktsiia poezdki A.R. Lurii na IX mezhdunarodnyi psikhologicheskii kongress]. [Reconstruction of A.R. Luria's trip to IX International Congress of Psychology]. Voprosy psikhologii, (4), 86-93 (In Russian) Yasnitsky, A. (2012). «Орудие и знак» Л.С. Выготского как «невинная подделка»: Введение в заочный диалог. PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal, 5(1), 110-111 Yasnitsky, A. (2012). L.S. Vygotsky's "Tool and sign" as a "benign forgery": Introduction to virtual dialogue. PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal, 5(1), 112-113 Yasnitsky, A. (2012). Herramienta y signo de L. S. Vygotskiy como una “falsificacion benigna”: Introduccion a un dialogo virtual (in Spanish) Yasnitsky, A. (2012). К истории культурно-исторической гештальтпсихологии: Выготский, Лурия, Коффка, Левин и др. PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal, 5(1), 60-97 Yasnitsky, A. (2012). A History of Cultural-Historical Gestalt Psychology: Vygotsky, Luria, Koffka, Lewin, and others. PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal, 5(1), 98-101 Yasnitsky, A. (2012). Eine Geschichte der kulturhistorischen Gestalt-Psychologie: Vygotskij, Lurija, Koffka, Lewin und andere. PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal, 5(1), 102-105 (in German) Yasnitsky, A. (2012). Uma Historia da Psicologia da Gestalt Historico-Cultural: Vygotsky, Luria, Koffka, Lewin, e outros. PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal, 5(1), 106-109 (in Portuguese) Yasnitsky, A. (2012). Una Historia de la Psicología de la Gestalt Histórico-Cultural: Vygotsky, Luria, Koffka, Lewin y otros (in Spanish) Yasnitsky, A. (2012). Изоляционизм советской психологии? Интеллектуальная история как миграция, трансформация и циркуляция идей. [Izoliatsionizm sovetskoi psikhologii? Intellektual'naia istoriia kak migratsiia, transformatsiia i tsirkuliatsiia idei]. [Isolationism of Soviet psychology? Intellectual History as Migration, Transformation, and Circulation of Ideas]. Voprosy psikhologii, (2), 66-79 (In Russian) Yasnitsky, A. (2012). Изоляционизм советской психологии? Неформальные личные связи ученых, международные посредники и "импорт" психологии. [Izoliatsionizm sovetskoi psikhologii? Neformal'nye lichnye sviazi uchenykh, mezhdunarodnye posredniki i "import" psikhologii]. [Isolationism of Soviet psychology? Informal Personal Networks, International Brokers, and "Import" of Psychology]. Voprosy psikhologii, (1), 100-112 (In Russian) Yasnitsky, A. (2011). Изоляционизм советской психологии? Ученые, "импорт-экспорт" в науке и власть. [Izoliatsionizm sovetskoi psikhologii? Uchenye, "import-eksport" v nauke i vlast']. [Isolationism of Soviet psychology? Scientists, "Import-Export" in Science, and Power]. Voprosy psikhologii, (6), 108-121 (In Russian) Yasnitsky, A. (2011). «Когда б вы знали, из какого сора...»: К определению состава и хронологии создания основных работ Выготского ["I Wish You Knew From What Stray Matter...": Identifying the set of Vygotsky's major oeuvre and determining the chronology of their composition]. PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal, 4(4), 1-52 (In Russian) Yasnitsky, A. (2011). The Vygotsky That We (Do Not) Know: Vygotsky’s Main Works and the Chronology of their Composition. PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal, 4(4), 53-61 Yasnitsky, A. (2011). O Vigotski que nós (não) conhecemos: os principais trabalhos de Vigotski e a cronologia de sua composição. PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal, 4(4), 62-70 (In Portuguese) Yasnitsky, A. (2011). Le Vygotskij que nous (ne) connaissons (pas). Les principaux travaux de Vygotskij et la chronologie de leur composition. PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal, 4(4), 71-79 (In French) Yasnitsky, A. (2011). El Vygotskiy que (no) conocemos: Principales trabajos y cronología de su composición (in Spanish) Kellogg, D. & Yasnitsky, A. (2011). The differences between the Russian and English texts of Tool and Symbol in Child Development. Supplementary and analytic materials. PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal, 4(4), 98-158 Mecacci, L., & Yasnitsky, A. (2011). Editorial Changes in the Three Russian Editions of Vygotsky's Thinking and Speech (1934, 1956, 1982): Towards Authoritative and Ultimate English Translation of the Book. PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal, 4(4), 159-187 van der Veer, R. & Yasnitsky, A. (2011). Vygotsky in English: What still needs to be done [html && pdf]. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 45(4), 475-493; DOI: 10.1007/s12124-011-9172-9 van der Veer, R. & Yasnitsky, A. (2011). (2011). Vygotskiy en inglés: Qué falta por hacer (in Spanish) Yasnitsky, A. (2011). Vygotsky Circle as a personal network of scholars: Restoring connections between people and ideas. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 45(4), 422-457; DOI: 10.1007/s12124-011-9168-5 Yasnitskiy, A. (2011). El círculo de Vygotskiy como una red personal de académicos: Restaurar las conexiones entre la gente y las ideas (in Spanish) Yasnitsky, A. (2011). Об изоляционизме советской психологии: научные публикации 1920-1930-х. [Ob izoliatsionizme sovetskoi psikhologii: nauchnye publikatsii 1920-1930-kh gg.]. [Regarding the isolationism of Soviet psychology: Scientific publications of the 1920s and 1930s]. Voprosy psikhologii, (1), 124-136. (In Russian) Ferrari, M., Robinson, D. K. & Yasnitsky, A. (2010). Wundt, Vygotsky and Bandura: A cultural-historical science of consciousness in three acts. History of the Human Sciences, 23(3), 95-118 Yasnitsky, A. (2010). Об изоляционизме советской психологии: зарубежные конференции 1920-1930-х гг.. [Ob izoliatsionizme sovetskoi psikhologii: zarubezhnye konferentsii 1920-1930-kh gg.]. [Regarding the isolationism of Soviet psychology: International conferences in the 1920n-1930s] Voprosy psikhologii, (3), 101-112. (In Russian) Yasnitsky, A. (2010). "Archival revolution" in Vygotskian Studies? Uncovering Vygotsky's archives. Guest Editor's Introduction. Journal of Russian and East European Psychology, 48(1), 3-13. (Guest editor for special issue). Yasnitsky, A. (2010). ¿“Revolución archivística” de los estudios vygotskianos? Revelar los archivos de Vygotskiy (In Spanish). Yasnitsky, A. & Zavershneva, E. (2009). Об архетипе советской психологии как научной дисциплины и социальной практики. [Ob arkhetipe sovetskoi psikhologii kak nauchnoi distsipliny i sotsial'noi praktiki]. [On the archetype of Soviet psychology as scientific discipline and social practice]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie (NLO), 100, 334-354. (In Russian) Yasnitsky, A. (2009). Очерк истории Харьковской школы психологии: первая научная сессия Харьковского государственного педагогического института и появление "Харьковской школы психологии" (1938) [An outline of the history of the Kharkov school: the first scientific conference of the Kharkov State Pedagogical Institute (1938) and the emergence of the "Kharkov School of Psychology"]; [pdf]. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya [Cultural-historical psychology], 2, 95-106. (In Russian) Yasnitsky, A., Falenchuk, O., Mazhirina, E., & Ivanova, E. (2008). What can replication research tell us about the historical development of mental functions? P.I. Zinchenko's (1939) case revisited. Journal of Russian and East European Psychology, 46(6), 61-79 Yasnitsky, A. (2008). Очерк истории Харьковской школы психологии: период 1931-1936 гг. [An outline of the history of the Kharkov school of psychology: the period of 1931-1936]; [pdf]. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya [Cultural-historical psychology], 3. (In Russian) Yasnitsky, A. & Ferrari, M. (2008). From Vygotsky to Vygotskian Psychology: Introduction to the History of the Kharkov School. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 44(2), 119-145 Yasnitsky, A. & Ferrari, M. (2008). De Vygotskiy a la psicología vygotskiana: Introducción a la historia de la escuela de Járkov; Segunda parte: Referencias (In Spanish). Yasnitsky, A. & Ferrari, M. (2008). Rethinking the early history of post-Vygotskian psychology: the case of the Kharkov School. History of Psychology, 11(2), 101-121 Yasnitsky, A. & Ferrari, M. (2008). Repensar la historia temprana de la psicología post Vygotskiana: El caso de la escuela de Járkov (In Spanish). |
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