Personal Interests
- Dancing (UofT Dance Club & UofT Salsa Club)
- Swimming and volleyball (HartHouse & AC)
- Archeological mythology (China & Egypt & Greece, Athens and Roman)
- Music (CMC & Canadian Opera Company )
- Cultures, languages, arts and cuisines
- An "omnivorous" while dealing with chaos, Mozart when studying,
piano in morning and violin in the evening, Spanish dance music (latino) when
in party, soft rock on the road, waltz in ballroom...
- Hero -- Mariah Carey
- You Raise Me Up -- Josh Groban
- Good Will Hunting -- Understand and be able to satisfy ourselves is
sometimes even harder than understand and satisfy others. We are constantly learning about ourselves, and can only make decision based on the best knowledge (not full knowledge) of ourselves and the situation. But if we realize there is a mistake, don't hesitate to try to recover, because then, no regrets would be left behind.
- Wu Zetian -- Zhao Weizhuo version: How a little girl grow and learn about friendship, love, complexity of society and hardship of life. She
learned to be resilient while persisting her principles and a true heart. A person cannot always lives in vacuum, he has to learn to deal different things himself. Laughters and tears, successes and failures, reunions and departures, this is life. Keep it simple, but prepared the unexpected.
- Mona Lisa Smile -- The story depicts 1953, a time ripe for change in America for women, Katherine (Julia Roberts) joined the faulty of Wellesley College, a very conservative institution, teaching a art history course. She found students there extremely smart, but almost every one of them are planning on marriage, for life. The story shows how she insisted on her own style and will, and influenced others to open their eyes to other options. "I suppose I will marry one day, but I just do not want to plan my life around it." That's her answer to the students who inquire her reason of being single. Sometimes some things cannot be controlled by ourselves, grasp chances on the way while not planning life around it is the right thing to do.
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