What I did last summer ...

Paresseux Falls

The approach to the falls (at least from the down-river side) is very exciting. You can hear the roar of the falls before you get there (the falls are around a sharp bend in the river) and you can see foam floating downstream on the water (see "F" on the map).

Graham, Kathy, Billy, and Sadie are ahead of us. The portage is on the left.

Dawn shows off some of her dental work.

Billy stands at the bottom of the falls.

These are also called "Lazyman Falls" although I don't know the reason. They are about 7-10 meters (20-30 feet) high and probably (30 meters (100 feet) wide. Very rugged. A couple of large logs hang vertically over the falls. There were a couple of large and deep pools at the bottom of the falls and we were able to climb or swim right up to the cascading water. Even during the spring runoff, I doubt that the falls could be "run". The portage around the falls is about 400 meters (1,200 feet).

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