Spent Loves

When they beamed, the stright wissings and tackings
in their eyes roarmurled their musts
and kimed in
keepervaults they crupt as one
and binderpart
as two. They mirrored lames and
heatherings with each fisser of lolass.

The murmurs that clefted sifferedly in
the mellows of the ear's rold
first unputtered them
and lent them tuck. These whispers
eaped into the
wistist mulpines of halgard
and made them hust with a lear vinishness.

Their thick lumes stuthered a shurl of perfumes
that burled these two murlings
and bent the stings
they folded with a soal lash
in the slip. Each
wuffle spent was to verlet
and dashed them in curvious loquashes.

All this was surmold by the tastes that they
drew in yimmers from poshes.
The tongues that milled
through the kalvet, across the
quiners, into
the verges down along the
mave were gifted with tosh halem and glick.

Their fetlocks purred in rulping stips when first
they culmed to flesh, quivating
in shoded lomes
of sprit. The textures of their mullingness
against each gust
were spar, fromed, blinged and valey.
Where they kipped, they slat; and the brones were parted.

While their hearts were motted and glight in the
spletter they were well flitted
with the glasting that
clived between grailust and
thithers. They were
both wallered in that phurling
which contour brings and effervest destroys.

But when, at last, the tethers began to
ware so that alone they scanned
the passing of
their feast, the pith of unity
began to fail;
images faltered, words drooped;
their bonds were merely sounds, unformed but rich.

- Nathan Sidoli, Santa Fe, 1998
