model 1

Craig Gilborn, 'Pop pedagogy: looking at the Coke bottle' (1982).

Gilborn proposes a three step model of “operations” in which to study artifacts. Descriptive, classification and interpretative operations are applied to the Coca-Cola bottle.

1. Descriptive Operation

j involves describing the physical attributes of the object: shape, symbol markings, structural details, material and colour are identified and described.

2. Classification

j objects are essentially grouped according to type.

3. Interpretive operation

j an attempt to identify meanings

j analysis of the history of an object, its historic roles, evolutionary change, visual, sensual and psychological qualities and possible associated ritualized behaviour.


Model 2: Macquet


Model 3: McCracken

Model 4: Prown

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-image: Tattoo Peter, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 195os (Schiffmacher 1996:162)-