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F!rosh Week 0T4
Da Hardhat!
F!rosh SUDS 0T5
F!rosh Week 0T5
F!rosh Week 0T4
07/09/2004 - 09/09/2004
32 Images In Gallery

Images taken over the two days of F!rosh Week for the 0T8 froshies. Pardon the several horrible pictures. I unfortunately discovered at the last minute that the flash on my disposable camera was not working correctly, leading to several horrible pictures.

There are pictures of most, but not all of, the F!rosh events. I do have a limited amount of film in a disposable camera, after all.

F!rosh Week 0T4 Pictures

Da Hardhat!
6 Images In Gallery

The engineering hardhats. A source of pride and joy. The source of our spirit. And a target for theft by rogue artsies. An engineer without a hardhat is not a true engineer. An engineer who does not decorate their hardhat is only half an engineer.

This is my hardhat. My pride and joy. You may proceed to marvel at it's beauty now.

Da Hardhat Pictures

F!rosh SUDS 0T5
16 Images In Gallery

The final SUDS of the year is a busy time in the life of engineers. Brand new leather jackets go through the traditional weaning, a process in which the absolute shit is beat out of them to give them a used look. Anything goes for this. Beer, mud, newspaper ink, smacking it into the ground... The Mighty SkuleTM Cannon also makes an appearance. I happened to get by shrapnel when it fired because I was getting these pictures. Happiest moment of my life, because I now have bragging rights!

And the beer was extra cheap, because the F!roshies gave money to SUDS so the prices were reduced! Yay 0T8!

F!rosh SUDS 0T5 Pictures

F!rosh Week 0T5
05/09/2005 - 08/09/2005
30 Images In Gallery

Images taken over the two days (and BNAD Wakeup night) of F!rosh Week for the 0T9 froshies. This time around I had a camera that actually had a decent flash to it! Unfortunately, I made up for this fact by sticking my purple thumb in front of the lens on several occasions, destroying any decency to the pictures. Oops.

And again, this was done on a disposable camera. What, you want me to take a digital to F!rosh Week? Hah!

F!rosh Week 0T5 Pictures