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This is an Update
Rolling in...
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Posted 25/09/2005, 9:04pm

The title pretty much sums up my opinion of the upcoming week. It's going to be a long, hard, "I'm going to be walking bow-legged for weeks!" type of week. Fluid mechanics lab. Concrete lab. Fluid mechanics homework. Solid mechanics assignment. Solid mechanics homework. Lots and lots of classes. Losing day to work due to visitation of family. Fluid mechnaics lab should be about 15 pages long and full of theory. Have not covered the relevant section in fluid mechanics to coincide with the laboratory. Can we say.... Yay!?

I'm fucked.

This is an Update
Posted 17/09/2005, 1:19pm

No, I'm not dead and lying in a gutter somewhere, just really, really busy. Between school work (see my schedule), socializing (re: BEvERages), and pranking (which doesn't exist), I've been a person who has no time to update. I do have photos from F! Week 0T5 going up soon, though. Whenever I get them back and have time to upload them.

And for those who were in suspense about my last mark (the Material Science mark), it was a 77.

Rolling in...
Posted 03/05/2005, 2:24pm

Three more of my marks have been released.

Calculus 2 was an 80. Which is really good, considering the exam average... but it's still lower than I wanted, considering I had an 88 going in to the exam.

Fundamentals of Computer Programming returned (pun alert!) an 85. Again, that's pretty good, because a lot of people were struggling with this course. And I mean, A LOT. Who knew that C programming could trip up so many people?

English was a 72. Yes, I'm not happy about that. But the course was designed by an engineer-hating artsie. No matter how hard I tried, the marks were dismal. And it's not that I didn't understand, either. Everyone in my tutorial group found the same thing occuring with their marks. Stupid english.

Now it's just a waiting game for Material Science to come back...

Posted 30/04/2005, 1:08am

Yes, the pun is intentional. That's all I have to say. =)

One of my final marks is up on ROSI... but not the other four. Go figure, it's the University of Toronto! *insert sigh here* Still... one is better than none. Especially considering the mark. A whooping 92! And I thought I had failed the exam! Woot! Go me!!!

So now we just have to wait on the other four to come rolling in... Calculus 2 with the 44.5% exam average... *snicker*

Website last updated 25/09/2005, 9:08pm