Attack of • Danger Bay • 6
originally published by concrete wave magazine, summer 2007 issue
••• Full Article (PDF)Racers waiting for their heatFrom May 18th to 20th, Coast Longboarding’s 6th annual Attack of Danger Bay turned Pender Harbour on British Columbia’s Sunshine Coast into a virtual longboard commune. Roads shut down for race and slide competitions, the downtown featured an intense game of longboard hockey, and Pender Harbour’s May Day Parade was flooded with riders carving through the floats and crowds.A perfect stance for the slide competition
160 skateboarders travelled from across the continent, with one group going as far as to train hop from Washington, sneak across the boarder by freight, and get busted and stripped searched, just to get to the event.
Racers of every age, more girls than any years past, and representatives from skate shops and board companies connected at the Lions Club Campground for a weekend of punk shows and bon fires; and the events attracted long-weekenders of all kinds, opening a few minds to an otherwise unknown culture.Slipping one past in an intense game of longboard hockey
Despite both the slide and downhill competition kicking off in a downpour, racers pushed hard into the cement, finished their runs, and narrowly survived the 6th Attack of Danger Bay.Holding tight for the final leg