
      Preventing the loss on antibiotics as medical therapy and the possible ubiquity of antibiotic-resistant bacteria relies on certain people to carry out certain actions as part of their roles within the healthcare system. Public health agencies must promote and expect best practices from primary patients, healthcare providers, and policy-makers.


     Patients include "normal, everyday people" seeking medication attention or advice for either themselves are someone they are responsible for. Patients need to be aware and diligent of several responsibilites:


      Providers include doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and anyone directly involved with the delivery of medicine. Providers should:


     Policy-makers are healthcare administrators, public health professionals, and public servants entrusted with the general health and delivery of medicine of their populations. Their responsibilities include:

We all have responsibilities, and only by carrying them out can we prevent the end of antibiotics, and the return of once-deadly diseases.

A simple diagram of an adult and child
A simple diagram of a doctor
A simple diagram of a suited professional