ENG 356: Contemporary Canadian Poetry

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Lionel Kearns

Lionel Kearns lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Over the last forty years his poems, stories and essays have appeared in various magazines and anthologies. He is the author of six books. The first edition of Convergences was published in 1984 by the Coach House Press, Toronto.


1.    POET: Any of his six books.

2.    MULTIMEDIA and POETRY: Convergences




"The Birth of God"


On Lionel Kearns:

http://vispo.com/kearns "On Lionel Kearns"

"On Lionel Kearns" is a look back at a forward-looking poet. It explores 
the sixties-through-eighties pioneering work of proto-digital Vancouver 
poet Lionel Kearns. Kearns' work in text, visual poems, and animated 
poetry videos is combined with Andrews' interactive visual programming; 
the result crosses borders between the digital poem, the documentary, 
and the essay, and re-programs the literary hypertext of net.art. "On 
Lionel Kearns" is an introduction to the work of a poet who presents a 
larger vision of what it means to write and be a poet than was widely 
accepted or understood when the work was originally published. Kearns 
practiced and wrote about the sort of poly-artistic, variously-mediated 
poetics we see developing in the digital domain, and he wrote about 
computers and poetry in parables of insight. He looks forward from the 
sixties into the present and, past the present, into the future.



Lianne Moyse. "Dialoguing the Monologue of History and Lyric: Lionel Kearns'
Convergences." Open Letter. 7th series no.4 (Summer 1989), pp.15-27.

Manina Jones. "Log Entries: Exploring Discursive Space in Lionel Kearns's
Convergences." Beyond Tish. Ed. by Douglas Barbour. Edmonton: NeWest, 1991,

Williams, Grant.  "Reading against Consumption: Metafiction in Lionel Kearns'
Convergences."  Canadian Poetry: Studies, Documents, Reviews.  28 (1991): 40-53.


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