e-library tutorials  

     Finding Information on a Topic



Quiz 2 - Keyword Searching

1. Which of the following will be the most efficient search with results that would include ALL of the following words:

electric electronic electrical electricity


2. Which of the following is the most appropriate search strategy for the research topic below? (Choose only one)

"How has the globalization affected trade and investment in China?"

china and globalization and investment and trade
china and globalization and (investment or trade)
china and (globalization or investment or trade)
(china or globalization) and (investment or trade)
3. Which of the following is/are effective strategies for choosing search terms? (Choose all that apply)
Brainstorm synonyms or related terms
Determine the main words and phrases that best describe your topic
List abbreviations and alternate spellings
Use the first word that comes to your mind
4. Imagine your research topic is "working women's health". Choose the most appropriate search strategy from the following.
women who work and (work and employment and job) and health
women and (work or employment or job) and health
women or work or health
(work or employment or job) and health
5. You want to search for information about perception in either children or seniors. How would you complete the following search statement?

perception and ......
children and seniors
children not seniors
children or seniors
(children or seniors)
6. If you are getting too many results while you are searching a database, what would you do to narrow your search (get fewer results)?

combine terms using the operator "or"
combine terms using the operator "not"
combine terms using the operator "and" and "or"
Use truncation or wildcards

7. If you did a search using the search term eating disorders and didn't get enough results, which of the following could you use to broaden your search (get more results?)

eating disorder
eating disorders and anorexia and bulimia
eating disorder* or anorexia or bulimia
eating disorders and (anorexia or bulimia)

8. Which of the following is appropriate use of wildcard for the word behavior or behaviour at University of Toronto library catalogue?



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