e-library tutorials  

     Finding Information on a Topic



This course consists of five modules. Each module has instructional text accompanied by quizzes and hands-on exercises designed to enhance the tasks learnt.

Module 1 - Analyzing a research topic
Module 2 - Creating a search strategy
Module 3 - Keyword search tools
Module 4 - Select appropriate search tools
Module 5 - Locate the article

Module 1 - Analyzing a research topic
This first module will show you how to analyze your topic and summarize it in one or two sentences.

Module 2 - Creating a search strategy
This second module will develop a search strategy once you have defined your scope of your topic.

Module 3 - Keyword search tools
This third module will show you how to use keyword search tools including Boolean operators - AND, OR, and NOT - to connect keywords identifed in module 2. Nesting and truncation will be discussed too.

Module 4 - Select appropriate search tools
This fourth module shows you to choose appropriate search tools to locate what you need. If you are looking for books on a topic, you have to go to library catalogue; if you are searching for journal articles, you have to look into journal databases/indexes.

Module 5 - Locate the article
This last module wll show how to locate an article in a journal database. Tips on finding the full-text document will be mentioned here.





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