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     Finding Information on a Topic


MODULE 1.1 - Analyzing a research topic

Once you have background information of a topic, perhaps using a concept map to organize your thinking and develop a list of questions or issues to address will help.

Research = Synthesis + Analysis

Research is a creative process, involving both analysis, in which you take things apart, and synthesis, in which you put things together.

A concept map is a diagram which will help to translate your ideas into a manageble topic and generate questions for you to focus on in your research.

Here's one of the generic examples of how a concept map is:




Concept map
Defintion: concept maps offer a method to represent information visually. There are a variety of such maps.

Purpose: concept maps harness the power of our vision to understand complex information "at-a-glance." The primary function of the brain is to interpret incoming information to make meaning. It is easier for the brain to make meaning when information is presented in visual formats. This is why a picture is worth a thousand words. It is essential to your studies and career that you can handle complex information; concept maps offer one method to do this.

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