e-library tutorials  

     Finding Information on a Topic


MODULE 5.4 - Look for journal in the library catalogue

What if the full text is not available?

If the full-text option is not available, you will need to use the information in the citation to find the article elsewhere. You now have several options.  The first option is to write the Journal title information down and check in the library catalogue to see if we own a print copy of the journal.  Some databases give you the option to link directly to the library catalogue via the 'Get it! U of T Libraries' button.  The following example shows the Journal title information underlined in red and the 'Get it! U of T Libraries' button is highlighted in a red box.   If you a still unable to find the journal in the library catalogue, and this article is important for your research, you may then want to try to have the article sent from another university to the Inter-Library Loans department.  A fee may be applied, need more information try Inter-Library Loans.

Where to find citation






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