1. | Book Chapter: Y-H. Chin and D. E. Resasco, “Catalytic oxidation of methane on supported Pd under lean conditions: kinetics, structure, and properties”, in “Catalysis”, Royal Society of Chemistry, 1999, 14, Chapter 1, pg. 1-39. |
2. | A. Ali, Y-H. Chin, and D. E. Resasco, “Redispersion of Pd on acidic supports and loss of methane combustion activity during the selective reduction of NO by CH4”, Catalysis Letters, 1998, 56, 111. |
3. | Y-H. Chin, A. Pisanu, L. Serventi, W. E. Alvarez, and D. E. Resasco, “NO reduction by methane in the presence of excess oxygen over Pd/Sulfated Zirconia catalysts”, Catalysis Today, 1999, 54, 419. |
4. | Y-H. Chin, W. E. Alvarez, and D. E. Resasco, “Sulfated zirconia and tungstated zirconia as effective supports for Pd-based SCR catalysts”, Catalysis Today, 2000, 62, 159. |
5. | Y-H. Chin, W. E. Alvarez, and D. E. Resasco, “Comparison between CH4 and C3H6 as reducing agents in the SCR of NO over Pd supported on tungstated zirconia”, Catalysis Today, 2000, 62, 291. |
6. | Y-H. Chin, R. Dagle, A. Dohnalkova, J. Hu, Y. Wang, and E. Baker, “Methanol-steam reforming over Pd/ZnO using microchannel chemical reactors”, Catalysis Today, 2002, 77, 79. |
7. | D. R. Palo, J.D. Holladay, R.T. Rozmiarek, C.E. Guzman-Leong, Y. Wang, J. Hu, Y-H. Chin, R.A. Dagle, and E.G. Baker, "Development of a Soldier-Portable Fuel Cell Power System, Part I: A Bread-Board Methanol Fuel Processor", Journal of Power Sources, 2002, 108, 28. |
8. | Y-H. Chin, Y. Wang, R.A. Dagle, and X-S. Li, “Methanol steam reforming over Pd/ZnO: Catalyst preparation and pretreatment studies”, Fuel Processing Technology, 2003, 83, 193. |
9. | J. Hu, Y. Wang, D. VanderWiel, C. Chin, D. Palo, R. Rozmiarek, R. Dagle, J. Cao, J. Holladay, and E. Baker, “Fuel processing for portable power applications”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2003, 93, 55. |
10. | R.S. Disselkamp, Y-H. Chin, and C.H. Peden, "The effect of cavitating ultrasound on the heterogeneous aqueous hydrogenation of 3-buten-2-ol on Pd-black", Journal of Catalysis, 2004, 227, 552. |
11. | Y. Wang, Y-H. Chin, R. T. Rozmiarek, B. R. Johnson, Y. Gao, J. Watson, A. Y. L. Tonkovich, and D. P. VanderWiel, “Highly active and stable Rh/MgO-Al2O3 catalysts for methane steam reforming”, Catal. Today, 2004, 98, 575. |
12. | Y-H. Chin, J. L. Hu, C-S. Cao, Y-F. Gao, and Y. Wang, “Preparation of a novel structured catalyst based on aligned carbon nanotube arrays for a microchannel Fischer-Tropsch synthesis reactor”, Catal. Today, 2005, 110 (1-2): 47-52. |
13. | D. Kim, Y-H. Chin, J. Kwak, J. Szanyi, and C. H. Peden, "Changes in Ba phases in BaO/Al2O3 upon thermal aging and H2O treatment", Catal. Lett., 2005, 105(3-4): 259-268. |
14. | Y. Wang, B. R. Johnson, J. Cao, Y-H. Chin, R. T. Rozmiarek, Y. Gao, and A. L. Tonkovich, “Engineered catalysts for microchannel reactor applications” Microreactor Technology and Process Intensifications, ACS Symposium Series 2005, 914:102-118. |
15. | D. Palo, J. Holladay, R. A. Dagle, and Y-H. Chin, "Integrated methanol fuel processors for portable fuel cell systems", Microreactor Technology and Process Intensification, ACS Symposium Series 2005, 914:209-223. |
16. | V. Subramani, C. Song, M. H. Engelhard, and Y-H. Chin, “Adsorptive removal of organic sulfur compounds from jet fuel over K-exchanged Ni-Y zeolites prepared by impregnation and ion exchange” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2005, 44(15):5740-5749. |
17. | J. Kugai, V. Subramani, C. S. Song, M. H. Engelhard, and Y-H. Chin, “Effects of nanocrystalline CeO2 supports on the properties and performance of Ni-Rh bimetallic catalyst for oxidative steam reforming of ethanol”, J. Catal., 2006, 238(2): 430-440. |
18. | R. S. Disselkamp, R. G. Tonkyn, Y-H. Chin, and C. H. Peden, “Developing multiple-site kinetic models in catalysis simulation: A case study of O2+2NO ↔2NO2 oxidation-reduction chemistry on Pt(100) catalyst crystal facets”, J. Catal., 2006, 238(1): 1-5. |
19. | H. S. Roh, Y. Wang, D. L. Wang, A. Platon, and Y-H. Chin, “Low temperature and H2 selective catalysts for ethanol steam reforming”, Catal. Letters, 2006, 108(1-2):15-19. |
20. | S-Y. Chin, Y-H. Chin, M. D. Amiridis, “Hydrogen production via the catalytic cracking of ethane over Ni/SiO2 catalysts”, Appl. Catal. A, 2006, 300(1):8-13. |
21. | Y-H. Chin, D. L. King, H. S. Roh, Y. Wang, and S. M. Heald, “Structure and reactivity investigations on supported bimetallic Au-Ni catalysts used for hydrocarbon steam reforming”, J. Catal. 2006, 244(2):153-162. |
22. | D.H. Kim, Y-H. Chin, G. C. Muntean, A. Yezerets, N. W. Currier, W. S. Epling, H. Y. Chen, H. Hess, and C.H. F. Peden, “Relationship of Pt particle size to the NOx storage performance of thermally aged Pt/Ba/Al2O3 lean NOx trap catalysts”, Ind. & Engr. Chem. Res. 2006, 45 (26):8815-8821. |
23. | R.A. Dagle, Y-H. Chin, Y. Wang, “The effects of PdZn crystallite size on methanol steam reforming”, Topics in Catal. 2007, 46(3-4), 358-362. |
24. | D.H. Kim, Y-H. Chin, G. C. Muntean, A. Yezerets, N. W. Currier, W. S. Epling, H. Y. Chen, H. Hess, and C.H. F. Peden, “Design of a reaction protocol for decoupling sulfur removal and thermal aging effects during desulfation of Pt-BaO/Al2O3 lean NOx trap catalyst”, Ind. & Engr. Chem. Res. 2007, 46 (9) 2735-2740. |
25. | D.H. Kim, Y-H. Chin, J. H. Kwak, C.H. F. Peden, “Promotional effects of H2O treatment on NOx storage over fresh and thermally aged Pt-BaO/Al2O3 lean NOx trap catalyst”, Catal. Letters 2008, 124 (1-2) 39-45. |
26. | D. L. King, J. J. Strohm, X. Q. Wang, H. S. Roh, C.M. Wang, Y-H. Chin, Y. Wang, Y.B. Lin, R. Rozmiarek, and P. Singh, “Effect of nickel microstructure on methane steam-reforming activity of Ni-YSZ cermet anode catalyst”, J. Catal. 2008, 258 (2) 356-365. |
27. | E. B. Fox, S. Velu, M. H. Engelhard, Y-H. chin, J. T. Miller, J. Kropf, C. S. Song, “Characterization of CeO2-supported Cu-Pd bimetallic catalyst for the oxygen-assisted water-gas-shift reaction” J. Catal. 2008, 260 (2) 358-370. |