Peter Coppin | Visual explanations | Bio | Resume | Contact | All other projects

My current objective is to work within industries that would benefit from clear visual explanations. I will then isolate specific needs facing those industries, making those needs a specific focus of my unfolding PhD research that focuses on the cognitive aspects of illustration as a communication and problem solving tool. My objective is to then infuse the results of my PhD research back into those industries.

Explaining ideas requires a broad understanding of the world and its processes. My broad background includes business, working with government agencies, planetary science visualization for NASA, robotics, mechanical design, and the social sciences.

Below is an overview of my past work creating visual explanations.

An expanded overview of my additional experience is

Illustrations for winning proposals to government agencies [1997-2002]. Info.

Experimental group
Web and interaction design. Info 

Experimental group
PowerPoint "sketches" [Fall 2007].

Pen and ink drawings [2005-current].

Wide angle perspective drawings [1993-4].