Thursday, April 07, 2005

all seed stitch, all the time.

Well, almost.

I'm almost done the red socks - I just need to bind off the second one, in fact! FO picture soon!

I finished the knitting on the Corset Pullover, and I also knit a swatch to throw in the wash to shrink, which I'll then unravel to seam with. Rather than attaching the lace edging by grafting (which I could've done if I'd been smart and put the neck sts on a holder...but oh well) I just bound it off and sewed it on.

Some progress on the Monk's Satchel - I'm marking every 12 inches as I go to make it easier to measure.

And the last thing, I started the Phildar jacket out of the Katia Pisco I got from Elann - it's really soft stuff. I do keep pulling bits out of the yarn though - I suspect they're bits of linen that didn't quite get combined. It's going really fast, and the yarn is so light that the 50 g balls have 96 yds of chunky weight.

edit: blogger is being HORRIBLE ("performance enhancements")...riiiight. 10th time's a charm.


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