Friday, April 15, 2005


Yep, I'm warming up for the knitgasm (as Kelly puts it) tomorrow by purchasing some yarn. Unfortunately I don't have a picture, but it's Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece in "Candy Apple", 5 skeins of it (I returned the Fleece Artist I bought a while ago, so I didn't pay out much more money). It shall most likely become a skirt and possibly a tank top as well.

What do I need tomorrow? Well, need is relative, of course. I could definitely use some 2 mm (US 0) sock needles. (As an aside, I was looking at Surina needles last night - I wonder how the tips are. I need me pointy tips!) I'm also on the lookout for a cotton or maybe silk that I can use to make Branching Out for my mom, for mother's day. Although she did express interest in the mini-charlotte I had made for my aunt for Christmas. Either way, she won't wear wool so cotton or silk it is. And then of course there's just the stashing.

Stay tuned for the thrilling climax tomorrow - with pictures! Naughty.


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