Saturday, April 16, 2005


I ran into Emma on my way to the Frolic, at Eglinton Station. After a brief foray into a rather scary religious conference (we were a bit lost) we managed to find our way.

Clockwise from the spindle: Drop spindle kit from redbirdknits, Rowan All Seasons Cotton (12 skeins), HandMaiden 2-ply silk/cashmere, South West Trading Company Bamboo (2 skeins), and Regia Mini-Ringel (2 skeins).

Plans? Well, learn to spin, knit a mother's day scarf for my mum in the silk/cashmere, the ASC is for Asana and another tank top, bamboo for a tank top (see a pattern here?) and the Regia was half price!

I also got these:

Blocking wires!

Overall, it was a lot of fun. Lots of beautiful yarn - the HandMaiden stuff especially! I looooved the 4ply silk, but couldn't justify it - I already ended up borrowing money from other people as it was. Note to self: bring more cash, a lot of the vendors don't take MasterCard.

Unfortunately I didn't get what I really needed - some needles. Ah well, those are easy enough to come by. I almost bought a swift and winder, but...I really wanted that ASC instead. I always have access to the ones at the store, and the swift wasn't all that nice - it was a bit flimsy, unfinished feeling. I might just buy a winder from the store.

Shelridge Farm's wool was so nice! I'll definitely buy some in the fall at KW when I've got fall/winter sweaters planned. There wasn't too much cotton, which I was really looking for (although there were bags of Jo Sharp Desert Garden and such) and as you can see, a lot of what I bought was non-wool (except the sock yarn).

Okay! So that's it. Yarn hiatus for a while, except that Cotton Fleece I asked Megan to order for me - and needles aren't yarn, right?


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