Monday, April 11, 2005

zipped up

Thanks for all the compliments on the corset pullover! It's really comfortable and does fit really well. Template numbers for other tops, perhaps. I'll definitely be wearing it to the book launch on Wednesday, but I might have to wear my winter coat to be warm enough! (Reminder: SnB at lettuce knit is moved to said book launch!)

There's a shot of my sock-in-progress atop my botany textbook. That one's done now, and I'm on the leg of the second. I've also been working on the Phildar jacket, although there isn't much progress to report, and a bit on Cozy. I'm trying to knit up the projects I've got going before I start something new - likely the Rebecca Apricot Jacket (in red Cotton-ease) but I really feel like buying some pink yarn and making a ribbed cardigan or something.

I finished sewing in the zipper on the Lotech sweat (finally!) but I haven't taken a picture, and I don't really feel like taking one, either. So I suppose that one just goes unphotographed, because I put the sweater on and realized it really, really was too big. I don't know what I was thinking. Luckily though, it fit my sister, and being cotton blend and machine washable, suitable to give her. And since I wasn't the one who paid for the yarn, it all turns out ok. All that labour, though. At least someone's getting something out of it!

I'm trying to be good about buying yarn, but just now I started thinking about pink cotton blends, all seasons cotton and calmer (I'd order from Jannette, of course...sigh, maybe for my birthday), and cotton fleece (a would be sooo nice). We'll see how long my resolve lasts.


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