It's been quite a while since we posted any updates here and while there aren't any new photos to put up but there is a lot to tell you about. Basically things are very difficult for Baby B or "Barney" as we nicknamed him/her.
It all started over the Canada Day long weekend with Nancy feeling a lot of discomfort. So we got back to Toronto from Renfrew as early as we could and went straight to Women's College Hospital. After spending almost 8 hours in the Emergency Room we were sent home with an assurance that everything seemed okay but to check in with our OB as soon as possible.
When we checked in with Dr Pittini's office we were told to come and see his vacation stand-in Dr Niche. She sent us to see the high risk specialist Dr Akoury who sent us across the hall for an ultrasound in the fetal assessment unit. This is where things got very complicated. On examination there appeared to be little to no fluid around Baby B, it's heart rate was elevated and it was not moving around.
You can imagine how we were taking this news. Especially as it was now week 16 which was when Ian's troubles began! Dr Akoury wanted to perform another ultrasound to double check what was happening but by this time of the day the techs had left so he was unable to get the look he wanted so he arranged for us to be scanned at WCH as soon as possible.
more soon...................
Twins first page
Week 15 and a bit more
Week 26 |