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the Twins - Baby A & Baby B aka "Fred & Barney"

  Our twin surprise

Okay so here's the scoop..............

The news following all the scans performed by Dr Akoury and the staff at WCH led to us being told not to expect Baby B to last past the 18w mark. Well Baby B has confused and delighted everyone by not only hanging on but actually growing along at a reasonable rate. Of course that was the semi-good news.

About 3am on Friday, August 18th Nancy rolled over in bed and felt her water break. We were at 22w4d. We rushed to Women's College Hospital and that's where she's been ever since and will continue to be for as long as it takes for us to wind up with a couple of healthy kids.

As per usual luck wasn't with us and it was Baby A's fluid that was/is leaking. Baby B continues to this day to surprise and confuse the doctors by not only getting past the 2 weeks that all the experts had told us to expect him/her to expire during but is actually growing nicely. Naturally Baby B is lagging behind Baby A and there appears to be no reason for this to have happened. We may never know.

Baby A has continued to produce amniotic fluid and because she is head down that means there is fluid for her to "breathe" and expand her lungs...................yes, I said HER and yes, we have names picked out for her which we will tell everyone about when she and her sibling are delivered. Baby B continues to tease us by not giving up the secret of who he/she is!

So the babies got through the first couple of weeks in hospital with no complications and upon making it to 24wks Nancy was rewarded with a couple of steroid shots in the butt to speed up the babies' lung development.

We're just through the 26wk mark - September 11th - and we got the news that the doctors agreed that both babies were now considered viable. That means that Baby B would be given more than just "comfort" care on delivery and would be worked on by the team in the NICU (Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit). All of that depends on what the team finds when Baby B comes along of course because at this point there is no telling what kind of lung developement that baby has due to the lag in growth.

At the last physical scan Baby A was measuring in the 30+ percentile of the growth table but Baby B was under 10% and measuring around 2wks+ smaller than his/her sister.

The plan is for everyone to stay put till at least 28wks - Mike's birthday - but preferably till 32wks to give Baby B even more of a chance.

If you want to contact Mike and/or Nancy you can email Mike. Nancy is stuck in a single room with one little window and no view. She's only allowed to walk to and from the bathroom and to the patient pantry for ice water and the occasional tea biscuit. Apart from that she has to stay in bed but can get up and sit every couple of hours so you can imagine how she'd appreciate visits and/or calls.

Next scan is set for Thursday September 14th and we'll have the results - but probably still no photos - up that evening.

more soon...................

Twins first page

Week 16 and a bit more

Birthday Prty for Two Please!