Dennis E-journal

Just a place for me to write a few words down

Monday, June 21, 2004

I'm back from my interview!!
So I finished my MBA interview =) went pretty well...I just turned on the ol' Dennis charm =)...I think the interview went well but you're never really sure. I guess I'll know by the end of the month for sure. It was relatively short and only lasted 30 minutes. So now I'm sitting at work overly dressed in a suit and tie =). So strange, people usually wear just dress shirt and dress pants...but the minute you throw in a tie, you're super dressed up =). I've already been made fun of today several time =) I'm still a firm believer that companies should require their employees to wear suits or at least look formal. I mean too many people are just wear t-shirts and khakis all over the place. Because of the way my group operates, we tend to be more dressed up than most other departments. I just think it's a representation of a company when it's employees all dress appropriately, but that's just me. Growning up in a Semi-private school, I guess I'm used to wearing a shirt, tie and jacket everyday =).

Well back to work for me...and if you're reading this now in the afternoon....GET BACK TO WORK =)