UofT ECE 467 (2020 Fall) - Lab 4

Welcome to the ECE 467 labs homepage for 2020 Fall. See here for the latest version of the course.



Changes for Lab 4

You can run git pull origin master to get the changes to the starter code. Since you've began modifying the starter code, there probably will be conflicts that you must manually resolve. Alternatively, run git fetch origin followed by git diff 3f90de49ecb0d37d5ae868d76cd39250a6dc48a0 fe15a958c061f55ab531fb7f324c101c248fb910 to get a diff of the changes I've made to lab 4. The important changes are summarized below.

Note: I retroactively made these changes to the starter code after doing my solution. I may have missed something that will cause your code to not work; if you suspect this, please contact me so I can fix it.


Note: You will probably have to do a lot of reading (and googling) for this lab!

In this final lab, you will implement the intermediate representation (IR) for your compiler. In particular, you will be using LLVM's IR, which is based on static single assignment (SSA) form. LLVM can perform optimizations on IR, generate machine code from the IR and will produce the executables. Your task in this lab will be to:

  1. Read LLVM tutorial which should contain most of what you need to know for this lab
  2. You can further read LLVM manual, and LLVM docs for more context on how to use LLVM
  3. Implement code generation starting from the CompilationUnit::process function in compiler.cpp (the LLVM tutorial does most of the constructs you need)
Additionally, you may:
  • Read Simple and Efficient Construction of Static Single Assignment Form by Braun et al.
  • Implement the algorithm described in the paper by Braun et al. using LLVM's IR.
  • Compared with using LLVM's memory SSA API from chapter 7 of the tutorial to implement mutable variables, this algorithm is relatively quite harder. However, it will be a very good learning experience. As a fun fact, the Go compiler uses the algorithm by Braun et al. to generate SSA code (source).

    Control-Flow Graphs

    A control-flow graph (CFG) is a directed graph with a designated start and end node. In the context of programs, the nodes are "basic blocks". A basic block is a sequence of instructions that can only start executing from the beginning (you cannot jump to and start in the middle of a basic block), and once it starts executing will continue executing until the end (there are no jumps in/from the middle of the basic block). A basic block has at most 2 successors, but can have any positive number of predecessors (think about how). With LLVM, you will be creating the CFG by making and connecting basic blocks, while filling in the basic blocks with instructions in SSA form.

    Static Single Assignment (SSA) Form

    SSA form is a property of a compiler's IR which requires that each variable is assigned to only once. The motivation for SSA form is that it greatly simplifies data-flow analysis; each variable has a single reaching definition. As a result, most modern compilers generate and operate on IR in SSA form. Of course, variables in real programs may be assigned to many times; to handle this in SSA, a new variable is created for each variable assignment (commonly, it is named after the source variable name, with an integer subscript). Special phi functions are used to merge multiple versions of a variable. Each phi function has 1 argument for each predecessor of the basic block it belongs to. The phi function is "evaluated" at runtime, and its value is the i-th argument when control flow enters the phi function's basic block from the i-th predecessor. Consider the following code:

    int x = 3;
    x = 4;
    if (cond()) {
    	x = 5;
    In IR, this code would first be broken into basic blocks (pseudo-IR shown below):
    x0 = 3
    x1 = 4
    if cond() goto B1 else goto B2
    B1 (B0):
    x2 = 5
    goto B2
    B2 (B0, B1):
    x3 = phi(x1, x2)
    Let us analyze this IR:

    The algorithm by Braun et al. is essentially for placing phi functions in the "correct place" to merge multiple definitions of a mutable variable. LLVM has an MemorySSA API which simplifies codegen for mutable variables (also described in chapter 7 of the tutorial). With MemorySSA, each local variable is a constant address. This address never gets assigned to outside of the initial definition; it is an SSA variable. To modify the local variable, instead of modifying the SSA variable, we will modify the contents of the address in the SSA variable. (I originally intended for students to use Braun et al.'s algorithm, but at this point I think it would be too much for most students).

    LLVM Quick Reference

    Note: Not all the includes have been added for you! You can look them up yourself

    Some Notable Classes

    Note: Use google to find more LLVM docs! e.g. the first link from searching "llvm constant int"

    Creating a constant int
    llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(context), value, signed);
    Creating a constant float
    llvm::ConstantFP::get(llvm::Type::getDoubleTy(context), value);
    Creating a function prototype
    std::vector<llvm::Type*> parameters;
    llvm::FunctionType* signature = llvm::FunctionType::get(return_type, parameters, /* isVarArg */ false);
    llvm::Function* f = llvm::Function::Create(signature, llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage, name, module);
    size_t i = 0;
    for (llvm::Argument& a : f->args()) {
    Creating a basic block
    llvm::BasicBlock* bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, name, function);
    Creating an integer type
    llvm::Type::getIntNTy(context, num_bits)
    Miscellaneous Abbreviations
    no signed wrap - doesn't matter for us; you can set this to true or false
    no unsigned wrap - doesn't matter for us; you can set this to true or false
    unsigned division
    signed division
    Unordered comparison ("less than" in this case) (see here to read more) - doesn't matter for us
    Ordered comparison ("less than" in this case) - doesn't matter for us
    Common Errors

    To create a call to a function that returns void, use builder.CreateCall(callee, args) (no name/string).

    Other Notes
    Hints for Lab 4

    The CFG for a for-loop should look like this:

    // whatever happens before the loop
    goto loop_condition
    // loop induction statement
    goto loop_condition
    // evaluate loop condition
    branch body after
    // loop body
    goto header
    // continue generating code

    To handle break and continue, you must keep track of the "header" and "after" block for each loop.

    Lab Description

    External Functions

    You can implement auxiliary functions in runtime.cpp in the C namespace - i.e. those declared with extern "C". After implementing an extern "C" function in runtime.cpp, to access it from your input program source code, simply include a declaration for it with a matching signature. Then, you should be able to call it. For example, void put_int(int32_t); has been declared in runtime.cpp. To access it in your input program source code, first create a declaration void put_int(int x);. Now, you should be able to call it like so: put_int(3);. This way, you can arbitrarily extend your compiler to support I/O, interfacing with other libraries, etc.

    Compiling a Program

    Example: ./src/ece467c 4 foo.c creates foo.c.ll on success. You can view this LLVM textual bitcode with a text editor. To produce an executable, run clang foo.c.ll -Lpath/to/build/src -lece467rt -o foo.o. To run your executable, run LD_PRELOAD=path/to/build/src/libece467rt.so ./foo.o (with bash). To avoid specifying LD_PRELOAD every time, you can do export LD_PRELOAD=path/to/src/libece467rt.so in bash. If you are using csh (the default on the ECF machines), you can do setenv LD_PRELOAD path/to/src/libece467rt.so.


    Additionally, Your compiler will be run through Valgrind to catch memory bugs.

    Test Cases

    The following test cases are provided for you.


    Same as Lab 1.