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Diane Kostka's Web Page







Welcome to My Website

 I am an M.H.Sc. candidate in the Clinical Biomedical Engineering program at the University of Toronto. I am currently conducting research under the supervision of Dr. Milos Popovic at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute.

My research interests include biomedical device development; signal processing; healthcare policy; and assistive technology for individuals with neurological disorders. My present work at the Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory focuses on: (1) the design and development of a diagnostic tool for neuropathic pain; (2) the mechanisms that produce  neuropathic pain in individuals.

I received my Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Toronto (2009) along with a Minor in Biomedical Engineering (2009). My undergraduate project involved the design of a platform for the simultaneous visualization of the spectral, temporal, spatial and frequency components of EEG signals.













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