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My Favorite Sites

bulletI think most people know what Facebook is these days.  I've been using it since June 2007.  It helps you keep in touch with your family and friends but it can also be highly addictive!
bulletI pretty much get most of my general knowledge from Wikipedia.  Sometimes, I use it almost exclusively as a source of information.  I am well aware that it's not a reliable source for academic or scholarly purposes, but it serves its purpose.
bulletYouTube is an awesome site!  Who needs TV anymore when you can watch anything you want to anytime you want to?
bulletLG Xenon
bulletI currently have an LG Xenon mobile phone through Fido.  So far, I really like this phone because it has everything I need in a smartphone except that it is not a smartphone!  So, I can browse the web anytime I want without having to get those ridiculous data plans.  The touchscreen-QWERTY keyboard combination is what makes this phone really awesome.  So, for those LG Xenon users out there, here's a forum that contains a lot of information about this phone.
bulletUniversity of Toronto @ Mississauga
bulletHey, after all, U of T is helping me host this site so I have to have a link to their website!
bulletUniversity of Western Ontario - Department of Mathematics
bulletThis is the Mathematics homepage at UWO.  I guess I just want to provide a link to it because I did do my graduate studies there back in 2008.  I think they probably still have my student picture there somewhere:P


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This site was last updated February 01, 2011 03:21 AM