About Me
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About Me


My name is Dilip Muthukrishnan and I live in Mississauga, Ontario.  I acquired my Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Toronto in 2007, and then went on to obtain my Master of Science degree in Pure Mathematics from the University of Western Ontario in 2008.  I also obtained my Bachelor of Education degree from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE/UT) in 2010.  Currently, I am trying to use my strong quantitative background as well as my experience as a teacher candidate to help me build my career as an analyst.  To learn more about my professional qualifications, please see my resume.


I have lived in Canada since I was ten, but I'm originally from Chennai (formerly Madras), India.  I've lived in many different places and have moved around a lot while growing up.  But I came to Mississauga a long time ago and I feel proud to call it my home.  I'm a vegetarian and have been a vegetarian my entire life, partly by choice and partly because I was born and raised in a Tamil Brahmin family.  Although I have an extensive knowledge of my cultural and religious roots and I even speak my mother tongue quite fluently, I mostly identify myself as a "Westerner" with no particular affinity or loyalty to any race, nation, or creed.  I think this is kind of what sets me apart from most people.  However, I would say that I am a "spiritual" person who loves to take a philosophical stance on life and who does not necessarily deny the existence of God or the supernatural.

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This site was last updated February 15, 2011 03:15 PM