Deborah Black’s Articles Online


Published Articles:

I have provided PDF versions of a number of my articles that have been published in various scholarly journals and collections. Except where specific links are provided to the online journals themselves, these PDF files represent pre-publication versions of the papers in question.  All citations of these articles should refer to the  final, published version, not to the online copy.

1.       “Aristotle’s Peri hermeneias in Medieval Latin and Arabic Philosophy: Logic and the Linguistic Arts.” In Aristotle and His Medieval Interpreters. Ed. Richard Bosley and Martin Tweedale. Canadian Journal of Philosophy suppl. vol. 17 (1992): 25–83. (PDF)

2.       “Estimation in Avicenna: The Logical and Psychological Dimensions.” Dialogue 32 (1993): 219–58. (PDF)

3.       “Consciousness and Self-Knowledge in Aquinas’s Critique of Averroes’s Psychology.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 31.3 (July 1993): 23–59. (PDF)

4.       “Practical Wisdom, Moral Virtue, and Theoretical Knowledge: The Problem of the Autonomy of the Practical Realm in Arabic Philosophy.”  Moral and Political Philosophies in the Middle Ages. 3 vols. Ed. B. C. Bazán, E. Andújar, L. G. Sbrocchi. Ottawa: LEGAS: 1995. 1:451–65. (PDF)

5.        “Memory, Time and Individuals in Averroes’s Psychology.” Medieval Theology and Philosophy 5 (1996): 161–187. (link)

6.       “Avicenna on the Ontological and Epistemic Status of Fictional Beings.” Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale 8 (1997): 425–453. (PDF)

7.       “Traditions and Transformations in the Medieval Approach to Rhetoric and Related Linguistic Arts.” In L’enseignement de la philosophie au xiiie  siècle. Autour du «Guide de l’étudiant» du ms. Ripoll 109. Ed. Claude LaFleur  and J. Carrier. Studia Artistarum, vol. 5. Turnholt: Brepols, 1997. Pp. 233–54. (PDF)

8.       “Mental Existence in Thomas Aquinas and Avicenna.” Mediaeval Studies 61 (1999): 45–79. (PDF)

9.       “Conjunction and the Identity of Knower and Known in Averroes.” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 73.1 (Winter 1999): 159–184. (PDF)

10.   “Estimation and Imagination: Western Divergences from an Arabic Paradigm.” Topoi 19 (2000): 59–75. (PDF)

11.   “Models of the Mind: Metaphysical Presuppositions of the Averroist and Thomistic Accounts of Intellection.” Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale 15 (2004): 319–52. (PDF)

12.   “Knowledge (ʿilm) and Certitude (yaqīn) in Al-Fārābī’s Epistemology.” Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 16.1 (March 2006): 11–46. (PDF)

13.   “Avicenna on Self-Awareness And Knowing that One Knows.” In S. Rahman, T. Hassan, T. Street, eds., The Unity of Science in the Arabic Tradition, pp. 63–87. Dordrecht: Springer Science, 2008. (PDF)

14.   “Al-Fārābī on Meno’s Paradox.” In P. Adamson, ed. In the Age of al-Fārābī: Arabic Philosophy in the Fourth/Tenth Century. London: Warburg Institute, 2008, pp. 15-34. (PDF)


Forthcoming Papers/Conference Presentations:

Please do not cite these articles in their current form without first seeking my permission.

1.       “Avicenna on Individuation, Self-Awareness, and God’s Knowledge of Particulars.” (PDF)

2.       “Avicenna’s ‘Vague Individual’ and its Impact on Medieval Latin Philosophy.” (PDF)

3.       “Rational Imagination: Avicenna on the Cogitative Power.” (PDF)

4.       “Averroes on Spirituality and Intentionality in Sense Perception.” Forthcoming in In the Age of Averroes: Arabic Thought at the End of the Classical Period.” Ed. P. Adamson, Warburg Institute Publications. (PDF)

5.       “Arabic Theories of Intentionality and their Impact in the Latin West.” (PDF)

6.       “Reason reflecting on Reason: Philosophy, Rationality and the Intellect in the Medieval Islamic and Christian Traditions.” Plenary address, Forthcoming in the Proceedings of the ACPA. (PDF)

7.       “Memory, Imagination, Particular Reason, and Thought in Later Medieval Philosophy.” Draft chapter for A Companion to Medieval Theories of Cognition, ed. R. L. Friedman and M. Pickavé. (PDF)



All materials related to my current courses are found at the University of Toronto’s Blackboard site.

        Bibliography of Islamic Philosophy from my presentation at the 2008-09 Proseminar of the Collaborative Programme in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy.