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Lobar Pneumonia

Pathophysiology:  Lobar pneumonia is the pneumonic consolidation of an entire lobe, lobes or lung itself.  The term is of historic interest: today, the majority of pneumonia seen is segmental, or subsegmental in distribution.  However, lobar pneumonia is still seen in the following patient subsets:

  1. Immuno-compromized or host suppressed patients
  2. Patients with poor health awareness or resources eg homeless, indigents, alcoholics
  3. Following chemotherapy and whole body radiation
  4. The elderly with underlying heart failure

CXR Findings:  Non-specific: airspace disease with a lobar distribution, classic air bronchograms often seen, often associated with para-pneumonic pleural effusions.

Commonest Agent : Streptococcus pneumoniae

Clinical Clues:  The larger the areas of pneumonia, bilaterality, and associated effusions are all bad prognostic signs.

"Aunt Sophies": Lobar atelectasis ± pleural effusions, lung hemorrhage, massive aspiration, unilateral pulmonary edema

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